John Bassett came from Lynn, Mass., in 1790, and settled on alot of land which has ever since been known as the Bassett Farm.The buildings were erected at a considerable distance from themain road, the location where they stood being now approached byMill Street, which has been somewhat recently opened. During themanagement of affairs by his grandson, Daniel Bassett, Jr., thetwo-story part of the house was removed to North Main Street,and is now, with a portion of the farm, owned and occupied bythe heirs of the late Abel Haley. The one-story part stillremains with another portion of the farm where the buildingswere first erected. Mr. Bassett's children wew: Daniel, marriedAbigail Bean,; John, married Ruth Wiggin; Lydia, married SamuelNowell; Hannah, married Joseph Varney; Sally, married JonathanBuffum; Rebecca, married William Lyons.