Matthews, Susanna

Birth Name Matthews, Susanna
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Matthews, Walterbefore 1678-05-29
Mother , Mary
         Matthews, Susanna


    Family of Young, Rowland and Matthews, Susanna
Married Husband Young, Rowland ( * about 1648 + 1721-06-25 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage about 1669    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Young, Jonathon
Young, Benaiah
Young, Mercy
Young, Sarah
Young, Maryabout 1670after 1748-07-22
Young, Josephabout 1672
Young, Matthewsabout 1674
Young, Susannaabout 1678
Young, Elizabethabout 16841778-07-08


  1. Matthews, Walter
    1. , Mary
      1. Matthews, Susanna
        1. Young, Rowland
          1. Young, Mary
          2. Young, Joseph
          3. Young, Matthews
          4. Young, Susanna
          5. Young, Elizabeth
          6. Young, Jonathon
          7. Young, Benaiah
          8. Young, Mercy
          9. Young, Sarah
