Mallinson, Mary

Birth Name Mallinson, Mary
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Mallinson, Thomasabout 15501624-08-06
Mother , UNNAMED1602-01-20
    Brother     Mallinson, Richard about 1580 1638-05-14
    Sister     Mallinson, Ellen
         Mallinson, Mary
    Sister     Mallinson, Martha


    Family of Booth, William and Mallinson, Mary
Married Husband Booth, William ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1606-12-15 Bradford, Yorkshire, England  


  1. Mallinson, Thomas
    1. , UNNAMED
      1. Mallinson, Ellen
      2. Mallinson, Mary
        1. Booth, William
      3. Mallinson, Martha
      4. Mallinson, Richard
