Goodwin, Catherine “Caty”

Birth Name Goodwin, Catherine “Caty”
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Goodwin, Abraham17501822-07-18
Mother King, Catherine17621814-10-24
    Brother     Goodwin, William
    Brother     Goodwin, Henry
    Sister     Goodwin, Charlotte
    Sister     Goodwin, Polly
         Goodwin, Catherine “Caty”
    Brother     Goodwin, John 1783-01-23
    Brother     Goodwin, Amos 1786-09-16 1862-05-22
    Brother     Goodwin, David 1788-11-16
    Brother     Goodwin, Abraham 1790-07-06 1880-05-15
    Brother     Goodwin, Benjamin C. 1792-03-12 1877-09-00
    Brother     Goodwin, Isaac 1798 1842-07-09
    Sister     Goodwin, Eliza 1802-03-13 1884-06-00


    Family of Patrick, Shepard and Goodwin, Catherine “Caty”
Unknown Partner Patrick, Shepard ( * + ... )


  1. Goodwin, Abraham
    1. King, Catherine
      1. Goodwin, William
      2. Goodwin, Henry
      3. Goodwin, Charlotte
      4. Goodwin, Polly
      5. Goodwin, Catherine "Caty"
        1. Patrick, Shepard
      6. Goodwin, John
      7. Goodwin, Amos
      8. Goodwin, David
      9. Goodwin, Abraham
      10. Goodwin, Benjamin C.
      11. Goodwin, Isaac
      12. Goodwin, Eliza
