Capt. Thomas Stickney was the youngest son of Thomas and Mary(Mullicken) Stickney, and was born in Bradford, now Groveland,Oct. 24, 1734; he married, Jan. 6, 1761, Sarah Tenney, daughterof Daniel and Ann (Coleman) Tenney; he served as a private inCol. Winslow's expedition in Nova Scotia in 1755, (p.93) nd whenthe alarm was sounded from Lexington he was first lieutenant inthe First Foot company of Bradford, Capt. Nathaniel Gage, andmarched to Cambridge with the company; this company was also atthe battle of Bunker Hill. When the call was made for men toresist Burgoyne's progress from Canada, Lieut. Stickney joinedCapt. Joseph Eaton's company from Haverhill, and was in commandof the company at the battle of Bennington, where he received aserious wound. He lived on "Cannon Hill," in the "old Garrisonhouse," which was built by his grandfather, Samuel, about 1703.The house was owned and occupied for many years by the late Mr.Richard Renton, who took it down in 1854 and built the presenthouse occupied by his daughter, Mrs. Jane C. Nichols. (Seeillustration.) Died Nov. 8, 1808. (p.94) Capt. Stickney was theancestor.