Southworth, William

Birth Name Southworth, William
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Southworth, Nelsonabout 18051866-08-01
Mother Finch, Jemima18141886
    Brother     Southworth, Austin Sexton 1836-08-24
    Brother     Southworth, Emory
    Sister     Southworth, Keziah 1834-09-20
    Sister     Southworth, Adeline 1892-09-30
    Brother     Southworth, Lysander 1845-10-03 1895-01-07
    Sister     Southworth, Lydia Maria 1847
    Brother     Southworth, Nelson
         Southworth, William
    Brother     Southworth, Henry
    Brother     Southworth, Gurley
    Sister     Southworth, Lois
    Sister     Southworth, Dorcas
    Sister     Southworth, Emily
    Sister     Southworth, Maria


Resident of Walton, NY.


  1. Southworth, Nelson
    1. Finch, Jemima
      1. Southworth, Emory
      2. Southworth, Nelson
      3. Southworth, William
      4. Southworth, Henry
      5. Southworth, Gurley
      6. Southworth, Lois
      7. Southworth, Dorcas
      8. Southworth, Emily
      9. Southworth, Maria
      10. Southworth, Adeline
      11. Southworth, Keziah
      12. Southworth, Austin Sexton
      13. Southworth, Lysander
      14. Southworth, Lydia Maria
