Barker, Lydia

Birth Name Barker, Lydia
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Barker, Josiah1727-03-301808
Mother Heard, Mary1725-03-00
    Sister     Barker, Mary
         Barker, Lydia
    Sister     Barker, Tamosin 1753-08-00
    Brother     Barker, Daniel 1754-04-22
    Brother     Barker, Josiah
    Brother     Barker, John
    Brother     Barker, Nathaniel 1844
    Brother     Barker, Noah 1763-09-08 1858-05-10
    Brother     Barker, Ezra


    Family of Leavitt, Gilman and Barker, Lydia
Unknown Partner Leavitt, Gilman ( * + ... )


  1. Barker, Josiah
    1. Heard, Mary
      1. Barker, Mary
      2. Barker, Lydia
        1. Leavitt, Gilman
      3. Barker, Josiah
      4. Barker, John
      5. Barker, Ezra
      6. Barker, Nathaniel
      7. Barker, Tamosin
      8. Barker, Daniel
      9. Barker, Noah
