Case, Virginia

Birth Name Case, Virginia
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Case, William Parsons Jr.1863-03-231941-08-27
Mother Greene, Laura Alma1867-11-021954-11-08
    Sister     Case, Helen Eva 1890-01-14 1974-01-03
         Case, Virginia


    Family of Belknap, Edward and Case, Virginia
Unknown Partner Belknap, Edward ( * + ... )

Records not imported into FAM (family) Gramps ID F0400:

Tag recognized but not supported Line 492054: 1 ADDR Virginia BELKNAP
39 Highland Street
The Holiday
West Hartford, CT 06119


  1. Case, William Parsons Jr.
    1. Greene, Laura Alma
      1. Case, Virginia
        1. Belknap, Edward
      2. Case, Helen Eva
