Mcnamee, Eli Joseph

Birth Name Mcnamee, Eli Joseph
Gender male
Age at Death 47 years, 28 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Burial   Sutton Twp., Meigs, OH  
Birth 1848-01-27 Pomeroy, Meigs, OH  
Death 1895-02-24 Bashan, Meigs, OH  


    Family of Mcnamee, Eli Joseph and Colmer, Laura Delane
Married Wife Colmer, Laura Delane ( * 1854-04-16 + 1930-03-01 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1872-02-22 Athens, OH  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Mcnamee, Margaret Alvina1873-08-011952-02-26
Mcnamee, Clarissa L.1876-06-281963-05-29
Mcnamee, Joseph Martin1878-04-191949-05-03
Mcnamee, Orpha Lucenia1880-06-041956-07-06
Mcnamee, Henry Harrison1882-11-131960-08-27
Mcnamee, Hiram Lester1886-02-081963-05-02
Mcnamee, Walter Eli1887-03-271974-10-30
Mcnamee, Esta Mae1892-05-271980-11-08
Mcnamee, Laura Delana1895-07-291899-10-11


Eli died as the result of a sleigh accident. Meigs Co. deathrecord says he died of pneumonia, 24 Feb 1895. Page 350.(Another record has death on 8 Feb.)Eli is buried in Carmel Cemetery.Eli Joseph McNamee, b. 1848: 1850 Census, Licking Twp., JacksonCo., Ohio, SLC# 444691, 21 August 1850: although Eli is reportedas 4 years old, we believe this to be erroneous. A copy of asheet of birth and death dates on Barnabas & his wife and their13 children, hand-written by a descendant, seems quite reliable.We believe Eli was 2 yrs. 7 mos. old at the time of that Census.24 June 1993. Grandson Walter Charles McNamee & his wife visitedthe Pomeroy Courthouse in an effort to locate the log cabinwhere Eli & Laura lived and had their family of nine children.Eli died in 1895 and Laura died in 1930. Their daughter Maggie,who never married, continued to live there alone until she diedin 1952. At that time, the State of Ohio laid claim to assetsdue them, and the property was sold. Walt remembers visiting thelog cabin as a child. He had, years earlier, tried to locatethe property but failed. Asking at the Recorder's Office for theIndex to 1952 Deeds of Purchase, an attorney, Doug Little,overheard the name McNamee and volunteered information.Meigs County Deed Book, Vol. 75, p.528: Douglas Putnam & wife toEli J. McNamee. Know all men by these presents that I, DouglasPutnam, of Marietta in the County of Washington and State ofOhio, for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred Dollarsto me paid before the delivery of these presents by Eli J.McNamee of Meigs Co. in the State of Ohio the receipt whereof ishereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by thesepresents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto him the saidEli J. McNamee his heirs and assigns all the following describedtract of land or parcel of land situate in Chester, in saidMeigs County, and in the Ohio Company's Purchase, that is to sayForty one and 4/10 acres, more or less in the South East Cornerof the Fraction numbered Six =No.6= in town number three (3) ofrange number twelve (12) bounded as follows, beginning at theSouth East Corner of said Fraction, thence running North 17.80Chains, thence West 23.20 Chains, thence South 17.80 Chains,thence East 23.26 Chains to beginning, being the South 1/2 ofthe 82 8/10 acre lot as surveyed by E. Hutton. Together withall and singular the privileges and appurtenances to the samebelonging, or in any wise Appertaining. To Have and to Hold theabove described and granted premises, with the appurtenancesunto him the said Eli J. McNamee, his heirs and assigns forever.And I, the said Douglas Putnam, do by these presents, for myselfand my heirs, covenant and agree to and with the said Eli J.McNamee, his heirs and assigns, to Warrant and Defend the abovedescribed premises unto him the said Eli J. McNamee, his heirsand assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of allpersons. And I Sarah C. D. Putnam, wife of the said DouglasPutnam, in consideration of payment aforesaid, do hereby releaseunto the said Eli J. McNamee, his heirs, and assigns all myright and title of dower in the aforegranted premises. Intestimony whereof, we the said Douglas Putnam and Sarah D.Putnam, his wife, have here unto subscribed our names andaffixed our seals, this nineteenth day of December in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven. Signedand Sealed in the presence of us as witnesses Bery W. LaborseDouglas Putnam L.S. Mary B. Dimond Sarah D. Putnam L.S. TheState of Ohio, Washington County s.s. at Marietta, on thisnineteenth day of December 1887. Douglas Putnam and Sarah C. D.Putnam, his wife grantors in the foregoing conveyance personallyappeared before the undersigned, A Notary Public in and for saidCounty, and acknowledged the signing and sealing of theforegoing instrument of Conveyance to be their voluntary act anddeed; and said Sarah C. D. Putnam being by me examined separateand apart from her said husband and the contents of said deedbeing made known to her declared that she did voluntarily sign,seal and acknowledge the same, and that she is still satisfiedtherewith. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed myname and affixed my seal Notarial, the day and year above. HenryRoeser, Notary Public (SEAL) Washington Co., Ohio State of OhioRecorders office Pomeroy January 16th 1893. I hereby MeigsCounty SS. certify the foregoing to be a true record from theoriginal. Received for record January 5th 1893 at 2:45 PM.Attest Wm. M. Shanison RecorderMARR SOUR Book: Athens Co. Marriages; Laura's name recorded asColemen.MARR SOUR Book: Athens Co. Marriages; Laura's name recorded asColemen. Athens Co.Marriage Register, Vol.5, p.304: name isrecorded as Colemen;Book: Athens Co. Marriages; Laura's name recorded as Colemen.CONT married by J. C. Patterson, J.P.


    1. Mcnamee, Eli Joseph
      1. Colmer, Laura Delane
        1. Mcnamee, Margaret Alvina
        2. Mcnamee, Clarissa L.
        3. Mcnamee, Joseph Martin
        4. Mcnamee, Orpha Lucenia
        5. Mcnamee, Henry Harrison
        6. Mcnamee, Hiram Lester
        7. Mcnamee, Walter Eli
        8. Mcnamee, Esta Mae
        9. Mcnamee, Laura Delana