Barker, Mary

Birth Name Barker, Mary
Gender female
Age at Death 28 years, 27 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1720 Greenland, Rockingham, NH  
Death 1747/8-01-17 (Julian) Stratham, Rockingham, NH  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Barker, Enoch1684-10-211727-10-17
Mother Cate, Bridget Margaret16931744
    Brother     Barker, John 1716
    Brother     Barker, Enoch about 1718 before 1751-06-26
         Barker, Mary 1720 1747/8-01-17 (Julian)
    Sister     Barker, Anna about 1723
    Sister     Barker, Bridget
    Sister     Barker, Elizabeth
    Brother     Barker, Noah


    Family of Mckusick, John and Barker, Mary
Married Husband Mckusick, John ( * at 1720 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1739 Greenland, Rockingham, NH  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Mckusick, Matthew1739/17401820
Mckusic, Mehitable1740/17411747/8-01-07 (Julian)
Mckusic, John1740/17411820


According to Samuel Lane's diary, she died at "Mr. Barker's".This was probably at her brother's (Jonathan). As she wasbaptized in 1720 and, as her older siblings were baptized in1716 and 1718, it is unlikely that she was born before 1719.Mary "Kissick" joined South Church of Portsmouth on 5 Aug 1744.As John was listed as being from Portsmouth in the log of the"Reprisal" and in the Vice-Admiralty records for Nov 1745, it isapparent that the Portsmouth, NH area was their place ofdomicile. Records of the South Church of Portsmouth in theministry of William Shurtleff (1732-1747) have Mary "Kissick"received into communion on 5 Aug 1744 (NH State Archives).


  1. Barker, Enoch
    1. Cate, Bridget Margaret
      1. Barker, Bridget
      2. Barker, Elizabeth
      3. Barker, Noah
      4. Barker, John
      5. Barker, Enoch
      6. Barker, Mary
        1. Mckusick, John
          1. Mckusick, Matthew
          2. Mckusic, John
          3. Mckusic, Mehitable
      7. Barker, Anna
