Fairbanks, John

Birth Name Fairbanks, John
Gender male
Age at Death 66 years, 10 months, 12 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1618 Sowerby, West Riding of Halifax, Yorkshire, England  
Christening 1618-02-15 Waverly, Halifax, Yorkshire, England  
Death 1684-11-13 Dedham, Norfolk, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Fairbanks, Jonathan15991688-12-05
Mother Smith, Grace1597/8-06-06 (Julian)1673-12-28
    Brother     Fairbanks, Jonathan 1611/2-04-06 (Julian) 1711-01-28
         Fairbanks, John 1618 1684-11-13
    Brother     Fairbanks, George 1619-11-26 1683-01-10
    Brother     Fairbanks, Jonas 1624-05-06 1676-02-10
    Sister     Fairbanks, Mary 1622-04-18 1676-10-03
    Sister     Fairbanks, Susan 1627-12-23 1659-07-08


    Family of Fairbanks, John and Fiske, Sarah
Married Wife Fiske, Sarah ( * 1625-01-09 + 1683-09-26 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1641-01-16 Dedham, Norfolk, MA  


The Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of NewEngland, page 135 says: "Some wrong infer. from rec may arise,that ano. Susan was mo. of the last six ch. His w. Sarah h. 26Nov 1683; and he d. 13 nov 1684. His will of 10 Nov 1684,provides for ch. John, call. his eldest s. Joseph his sec. andBenjamin, the youngest, d. Hannah, and gr. d. Mary Sawyer; so wemay be sure the others were d." Bingham lists christening asWharley,,,England. Also lists birth at Dedham, Essex,Massachusetts, and death the same. Dedham is in Essex County inEngland, but Norfolk County in Massachusetts. However, theoriginal county in Massachusetts Bay Colony may have been Essex.He clearly was not born in Massachusetts, as the family came toAmerica in 1633. Marriage listed also in American MarriageRecords before 1699, with surname spelled Fairebanck. Alsolisted correctly in S. M. Lawson and Bingham, but Bingham givesbirth date of 16 Jan 1639/1640 and death as 13 Nov 1684, whileLawson gives marriage as 10 Jan. That may have been the date ofthe signing/issuing of the banns. John was a signer of theDedham Covenant, and he inherited the family home in Dedham. TheMacDougall genealogy incorrectly lists this John as son ofGeorge and Mary Adams Fairbanks.


  1. Fairbanks, Jonathan
    1. Smith, Grace
      1. Fairbanks, Jonathan
      2. Fairbanks, John
        1. Fiske, Sarah
      3. Fairbanks, George
      4. Fairbanks, Mary
      5. Fairbanks, Jonas
      6. Fairbanks, Susan
