Gardner, Miriam

Birth Name Gardner, Miriam
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Gardner, Thomas15921674-12-29
Mother Friar, Margaret16001659
    Brother     Gardner, Richard Sr. 1622 1687/8-03-23 (Julian)
    Brother     Gardner, John 1624 1705
    Brother     Gardner, Samuel 1627 1689-10-00
    Sister     Gardner, Sarah 1631 1686-04-05
    Brother     Gardner, Thomas
         Gardner, Miriam
    Brother     Gardner, George 1679
    Brother     Gardner, Richard 1688-01-23
    Brother     Gardner, Joseph 1675-12-19
    Sister     Gardner, Seeth 1636-12-25 1707-04-17


    Family of Hills, John and Gardner, Miriam
Unknown Partner Hills, John ( * + ... )


  1. Gardner, Thomas
    1. Friar, Margaret
      1. Gardner, Thomas
      2. Gardner, Miriam
        1. Hills, John
      3. Gardner, Joseph
      4. Gardner, George
      5. Gardner, Richard
      6. Gardner, Seeth
      7. Gardner, Richard Sr.
      8. Gardner, John
      9. Gardner, Samuel
      10. Gardner, Sarah
