Banfield, Mary

Birth Name Banfield, Mary
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Banfield, John16421707-11-04
Mother Pickering, Mary1711
    Brother     Banfield, Hugh 1673 1727-12-12
         Banfield, Mary
    Sister     Banfield, Agnes
    Brother     Banfield, Samuel 1678
    Brother     Banfield, Charles
    Brother     Banfield, George
    Sister     Banfield, Abigail
    Sister     Banfield, Sarah


    Family of Perkins, Thomas and Banfield, Mary
Married Husband Perkins, Thomas ( * 1660 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1718    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Perkins, John
Perkins, George
Perkins, Thomas17001752-02-22
Perkins, Samuel1710


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 657


  1. Banfield, John
    1. Pickering, Mary
      1. Banfield, Mary
        1. Perkins, Thomas
          1. Perkins, John
          2. Perkins, Thomas
          3. Perkins, George
          4. Perkins, Samuel
      2. Banfield, Agnes
      3. Banfield, Charles
      4. Banfield, George
      5. Banfield, Abigail
      6. Banfield, Sarah
      7. Banfield, Hugh
      8. Banfield, Samuel
