Gardner, Patience

Birth Name Gardner, Patience
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Gardner, Joseph1677-05-081747-07-29
Mother Coffin, Ruth16871748-05-28
    Brother     Gardner, Charles 1705
    Sister     Gardner, Abigail
    Brother     Gardner, Bethuel
    Brother     Gardner, Caleb
    Brother     Gardner, Shubael
         Gardner, Patience
    Sister     Gardner, Margaret


    Family of Brock and Gardner, Patience
Unknown Partner Brock ( * + ... )


  1. Gardner, Joseph
    1. Coffin, Ruth
      1. Gardner, Abigail
      2. Gardner, Bethuel
      3. Gardner, Caleb
      4. Gardner, Shubael
      5. Gardner, Patience
        1. Brock
      6. Gardner, Margaret
      7. Gardner, Charles
