Hussey, Addie Lucretia

Birth Name Hussey, Addie Lucretia
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hussey, Bertram Ervin1883-06-111959-01-23
Mother Weymouth, Cora1890-04-19
    Brother     Hussey, John Clifton 1914-11-25 1939
    Brother     Hussey, Clyde Edwin
         Hussey, Addie Lucretia


    Family of Wilson, Fred and Hussey, Addie Lucretia
Unknown Partner Wilson, Fred ( * + ... )
    Family of Ladd, Robert and Hussey, Addie Lucretia
Unknown Partner Ladd, Robert ( * + ... )


  1. Hussey, Bertram Ervin
    1. Weymouth, Cora
      1. Hussey, Clyde Edwin
      2. Hussey, Addie Lucretia
        1. Wilson, Fred
        2. Ladd, Robert
      3. Hussey, John Clifton
