Southworth, Constant

Birth Name Southworth, Constant
Gender male
Age at Death 63 years, 3 months, 9 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1615-12-00 Leyden, Holland  
Death 1679-03-10 Duxbury, Plymouth, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Southworth, Edward15901621
Mother Carpenter, Aliceabout 15901670-03-26
         Southworth, Constant 1615-12-00 1679-03-10
    Brother     Southworth, Thomas Capt. 1616


    Family of Southworth, Constant and Collier, Elizabeth
Married Wife Collier, Elizabeth ( * 1616 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1637-11-02 Duxbury, Plymouth, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Southworth, Elizabeth
Southworth, Mercy16381712-11-25
Southworth, Edwardabout 16451728-12-17
Southworth, Alice16461709/10-03-05 (Julian)
Southworth, Nathaniel1648
Southworth, Mary16541718-03-28
Southworth, William16591719-06-25



Besides the land he owned in Duxbury, he owned land also in Tiverton and in Little Compton. From big position as treasurer he had an opportunity to know what land was of value, and had opportunities to select land. He dealt considerably in land. The last will and testament of Mr. Constant Southworth, deceased: To all to whom these Presents shalt come &c; Know yes that I Constant Southworth of the Towne of Duxburrow in the Collonie of New Plymouth in new England being weake of Body through sickness, Not Knowing how soon it may please God to change my temporall Life to death but Att the day of the date herof of whole perfect and sound understanding and Memory, have made and ordained & by these presents I doe make firid ordain this To be my Last will and Testament to continue for ever ffirme and Inviolable as fafloweth; Imps: I Will- and bequeath my body to the dust and my soule to God that gave it rnee, in hopes of a Joyful Resurrection, only by and thorow the Merretts of my Redemer. Item I will and bequeath vnto my deare and loving wife Elizabeth Southworth for and dureing the tearme of her Naturall Life my dwellinghouse with the out housing and Mill belonging vnto it, "d all my vplands and ~leddowes; Lying and being within the towne of Duxburrow or .%rshfield for her support & comfort

Item I will and bequeath vnto my son Edward Southworth, after the decease of my aforesaid Wife Elizabeth my aforesaid dwellinghose with the out housi!191 af~d Mill belonging to it: and all my vplands and Meddowes lying within the Towne of Duxburrow and Marshfield; To belong to him and his heires forever: Alsoe I Give and bequeath vnto my said son Edward twellve, pounds in Mony that is in John Tracyes Han S.

Item I Will and Bequeath vnto my son Nathaniel Southworth -Aqone halfe of Share of Lands that lyeth neare Taunton by name of the ffreemans Lands: With the appurtenances and privilidges therein. William Collier was on. of the merchants of London who aided the Pilgrims In coming to Yorcuth, furnishint the money fortheir outfit. After the partnership between the Pilgrims 1-4 the Ad, was terminated. he came in 1633 in the " Mary and Jan." ith,me hoodold and Wnety-.i. pas,mgem, with him same his four dught.rc: Ilso-ah, who coarried I-'. Doe"": Reberea, on allied Job Cole; Mary, married Thmm, Preruc,; Elizabeth, married cocs%Mt Boathworth. Them is no mention of his wife, .. she probably died before he came oear, It has been said that he was; not content to share the profit of the enterprise of the "Wrionswithout Is. sharing their hard. hipe. He at mee took a prominent mAtiou in the Young colony. He was made freemare in 1633~ in 1634 he was one of the tax awe ~so~, was himself rated ItX2.05.00. He was on -any committees for amigning and hyml; outfood, 1~ building a meeting house on highways, to revise the Ix;R1 andwith bic...-m-low, Constant ltefthw.rth, be bad the t~sk of looking after Gordwife Thunces, the welsh Heserved on the council of war um than ones. He we. mi.t.rutt, senty-eight yc.,~ and cou,"e' -1 the most lalud.r to Me attendance, being rarely absent. He was one of the mounis-s'"' %I the 6111 ow"in. of the United Colonies in 1643. 1. 1659," u. mtrumt of his age"mch business In, him' " the court ordered the treasurer to Proton, him I cement andZIO for that He died 1. 1670. vnto belonging. To belong to my said son Nathaniel and to his heires for ever: Item I Will and bequeath Ynto my three Daughters Mareye ffreeman Allice Church and Mary Alden: my. other one halfe Shaii~-61` the-frieemans Lands with the appurtenances and privilidgest herevnto belonging, to be sold by or for them when they have opportunitie: Item I will and bequeath vnto my Daughter Elizabeth Southworth my Next best bed and furniture, vnto my wifes bed. Provided Shoe doe not Marry William Vobbes but if Shee doe then to have five shillings: and the bed and furniture to Returns to my wife:

Item I will and bequeath vote my Daughter Prissils, South-worth my next best bed and furniture: Item I will and bequeath vote my son William Southworth: my next best bed and furniture: Item I will and bequeath veto my Grandson Constant -, (freemen; all those my lands and Meddows that I have lif . A place conionly Called Pawomett in the towne of Eastham with the appurtenances therevnto belonging: To belong to him the said Constant: arid his heires forever: Item I will and bequeath; vnto my sormes Edward and rathaniell and Daughters Elizabeth and Pesilla, equally all my parts of the proffitts that shall or may arise by the flishing at the Cape: Item I will and bequeath vnto my Cosen Elizabeth How-land My brother Thomas his daughter five pounds in Silver Money: Item I will and bequeath vnto my deare' and Loving wife Elizabeth Southworth (my Debts and Legacyes being first payed) All the Rest of my estate be it Mony Goods Cattle and Debts owing me; and arty other estate in whatsoever it is or wheresoever it maybe found I Give it all vnto her my aforesaid Dears and Loving wife And I doe by these presents appoint make ordaine my Deare and 11 viwife Elizabeth Southworth my full Lawfull and sole Executrix this My Last Will and Testament To administer on my said Estate To pay all Debts as I owe And to Receive all such Debts as are Due vnto mee: To see that my body be Decently Buried: And to Defray the Charge thereof: And my Will and Charge is to my two Hennes Edward and Natbaniell, That they Doe bealp and Assist theirs Mother, in the Management of her affairs or business that shee may Imploy them in, and Also I Give vote my son Edward and my Bon Nathaniell each of them one of my Musketts or Guns And I Give to my son William my . . . . . . and one of Gunnes or Musketts. Those hopeing that this my Last Will and Testament Will be Der-formed and Kept; Repealing All former Wills; either verbal or written: In Witness Wherof I the said Constant Southworth have heer vnto sett my hand and Seale; This twenty Beauenth Day offfebuary; one Thousand six hundred seauenty and eight; And my Will is that my aforesaid wife with the advice of my two sormes Edward and Nathaniell, Doe out of my Debts make up to such of My children as are short of what some have had; A Due proportion of Goods; and Not of Lands to them: CONSTANT SOUTHWORTH. Signed Sealed and his - Seale Delivered to be his last Will and Testament In thepresence of John Alden Senir William Crow


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 2244


  1. Southworth, Edward
    1. Carpenter, Alice
      1. Southworth, Constant
        1. Collier, Elizabeth
          1. Southworth, Elizabeth
          2. Southworth, Mercy
          3. Southworth, Edward
          4. Southworth, Alice
          5. Southworth, Nathaniel
          6. Southworth, Mary
          7. Southworth, William
      2. Southworth, Thomas Capt.
