Stickney, Thomas 1

Birth Name Stickney, Thomas
Gender male
Age at Death 68 years, 6 months, 14 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1646-01-03 Rowley, Essex, MA  
Death 1714-07-17 Bradford, Essex, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Stickney, Williambefore 1592-09-061665-01-25
Mother Dawson, Elizabeth1605/1606after 1678-09-24
    Brother     Stickney, Samuel 1630/1-03-06 (Julian) 1709
    Brother     Stickney, Amos 1635 1678-08-29
    Sister     Stickney, Mary 1637
    Brother     Stickney, John 1640-01-14
    Sister     Stickney, Faith 1641-12-04
    Brother     Stickney, Andrew 1644-03-11 1727-04-29
         Stickney, Thomas 1646-01-03 1714-07-17
    Sister     Stickney, Elizabeth 1646-01-03 1659-12-04
    Sister     Stickney, Mercy 1648-11-04 1676-01-14
    Brother     Stickney, Adding 1648-11-04 1660-09-17


    Family of Stickney, Thomas and , Mehitabel
Unknown Partner , Mehitabel ( * about 1658 + 1689-12-07 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Stickney, Mehitable1689-12-04


THOMAS STICKNEY, the fifth son of William and Elizabeth, wasborn in Rowley, 1, 3, 1646, a twin with Elizabeth [8]. He m.Mehitabel, probably the dau. of Henry Kimball of Wenham.He received in 1665, of the town of Rowley, £2 10s. bounty forkilling a wolf."THOMAS STICKNEY took the oath of Fidelity to this Governmentand Jurisdiction this day May 25, 1669." [Mass. Col. Rec.]The Town of Rowley "laid out the 10, 12, 1670, to THOMASSTICKNEY as the right of his father William Stickney and theright of William Scales 56 acres of land in Boxford in the Northof the highway that goeth to Ipswich, on the West by DeaconTenney and Samuel Cooper. Laid out more to him, 66 acres onSouth side Ipswich Road by Sam’l Coopers line from the pathSouth 36 degrees, West to Humphres pond." In 1671 there wasgranted to him "a piece of land on the Northerly side of hisland in Boxford."He was Surveyor of Highways and fences, in Bradford in 1676,‘77, ‘95. He took the "Oath of Fidelity" in Bradford, Dec. 16,1678, before Capt. Saltonstall; Dec. 10, 1678, he took the "Oathof Allegiance before Major Gen’ll Denison, Esq."The 8th of 4th month 1684, he was adm. a member of the FirstChurch in Bradford, of which his wife Mehitable became a memberJan. 6, 1711. July 21, 1685, he took the "Freemans Oath."May 8, 1693. THOMAS STICKNEY of Bradford, husbandman for £21 inmoney and provisions buys of Elizabeth Deane of Salem, widow,relict of George Deane, dec’d, 3 acres of meadow in Boxford,also 10 acres of land in Bradford bounded by land of EzekielMighill on West, North by Merrimack River, S. E. by land ofRichard Kimball and country road leads from Bradford to Newbury.[Essex Deeds, 13: 63.]March 2, 1694-5. Mrs. Margaret Corwin of Boston for £10 paid byZachary Sims, Richard Kimball £15, Thos. Kimball £15, Rich’dKimball, Jr. £10, John Tenney £5, Phillip Attwood £5, DavidKimball £5, THOMAS STICKNEY £5, all of Bradford and £20, ofMoses Tyler of Boxford, currant silver, conveys to them in saidproportions a parcel of Salt marsh in the Township of Rowley onthe Island called Plumb Island, containing 70 or 80 acres.[Ibid, 16: 43.]Sept. 24, 1695. Abraham Haseltine and Elizabeth his wife, WidowConstance More, Benj. Muzzey and Sarah his wife, Amos Marrettand his wife Bethiah, daughters and co-heirs of RichardLanghorn, late of Rowley, dec’d, Plaintiffs: versus, THOMASSTICKNEY of Bradford, Daniel Black of Boxford, Thos. Palmer ofRowley, and Sam’l Cooper of Rowley, Defendants. "In an action ofye case for withholding from ye Plaintiff ye possession of abouta hundred acres of areable pasture and meadow land situated inBoxford." The Defendants not appearing the Plaintiffs recoveredpossession, &c. [Essex Court Rec.]This Indenture made March 31, 1696, witnesseth that Amos Marrettof Cambridge, in N. E., have with consent of Bethiah my wife,for £38, 10s., do discharge, &c., THOMAS STICKNEY, Thos. Palmer,and Sam’l Cooper, their heirs, assigns forever &c., "and sell tothe abovesaid a certain parcell of land in Boxford, viz: "allright, title and interest of Richard Longhorne of Rowley, dec’d,in village called Rowley alias Boxford, land still undivided butlyeth together with land of Wm. Stickney, Wm. Tenney, Thos.Palmer, John Burbank, Peter Cooper and Wm. Seales, as will fullyappear by the records of Rowley." [Essex Deeds, 24: 193.]March 18, 1700. At a legal town meeting of the inhabitants ofRowley, Lieut. John Dresser, Corp’l Ezekiel Northend and JosephBoynton, were chosen "to consider the petition of THOMASSTICKNEE, Samuel Cooper and Thos. Palmer, and to relieve themaccording to their discretion, if there be any Comon to be foundbelonging to the town on the Southerly side of ye line betweenRowley and Boxford."In 1704 he was chosen by the town of Bradford to see that "Rev.Zach. Symms" received proper maintenance for his preaching. In1706 he was appointed Tythingman.Oct. 18, 1710. "THOMAS STICKNEY and John Hutchins, both ofBradford, husbandmen, for £15 sell Jonathan Kimball of Bradford,an island of Marsh or Meadow, 1 acre called Rose Island lyingwithin bounds of Salisbury, butting on flatts formerly sold toSamuel Fowler of Salisbury, ye meadow our predecessor Eph.Winsley sold to Ensign Stephen Greenleafe of Newbury, . . . . .said island was purchased formerly of Robert Ring of Salisbury."[Essex Deeds, 23: 114.]THOMAS STICKNEY resided in Rowley and in Bradford, where hedied. In the old burial ground of Bradford, the gravestoneserected to him and his wife are still to be seen bearing theseinscriptions:-"THOMAS STICKNEY, A man of Piety in his life, died July 17,1714, Æ. 68." "Mehitable, wife of THOMAS STICKNEY, died Dec. 7,1689, Æ. 31." This stone is the most ancient in the ground.Sept. 6, 1714. Adm. on the estate of THOMAS STICKNEY, late ofBradford dec’d, intestate, granted to "his only child MehitableStickney." [Essex Prob., 11: 86.]


  1. Stickney, William
    1. Dawson, Elizabeth
      1. Stickney, Samuel
      2. Stickney, Amos
      3. Stickney, Mary
      4. Stickney, John
      5. Stickney, Faith
      6. Stickney, Andrew
      7. Stickney, Elizabeth
      8. Stickney, Thomas
        1. , Mehitabel
          1. Stickney, Mehitable
      9. Stickney, Adding
      10. Stickney, Mercy


Source References

  1. Stickney, Matthew Adams: No title - ID S1048