Pope, Delbert

Birth Name Pope, Delbert
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pope, James K.1864
Mother Boles, Lula
         Pope, Delbert
    Brother     Pope, Forrest
    Brother     Pope, Lawrence
    Brother     Pope, Raymond
    Sister     Pope, Anna Alice
    Brother     Pope, Charlie A. 1893 1896
    Sister     Pope, Cordie 1895 1897


    Family of Pope, Delbert and Weymouth
Unknown Partner Weymouth ( * + ... )


  1. Pope, James K.
    1. Boles, Lula
      1. Pope, Delbert
        1. Weymouth
      2. Pope, Forrest
      3. Pope, Lawrence
      4. Pope, Raymond
      5. Pope, Anna Alice
      6. Pope, Charlie A.
      7. Pope, Cordie
