Bass, John

Birth Name Bass, John
Gender male
Age at Death 65 years, 10 months, 4 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1658-11-26 Braintree, Norfolk, MA  
Death 1724-09-30 Braintree, Norfolk, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bass, John1630-09-181716-09-12
Mother Alden, Ruth16341674-08-12
         Bass, John 1658-11-26 1724-09-30
    Brother     Bass, Samuel Deacon 1660-03-25 1751-02-20
    Sister     Bass, Ruth 1662-01-28 1699-06-05
    Brother     Bass, Joseph 1665-12-05 1733-11-22
    Sister     Bass, Hannah 1667-06-22 1705-10-24
    Sister     Bass, Mary 1669-02-11 1725-04-10
    Sister     Bass, Sarah 1672-03-29 1751-08-19
    Brother     Bass, Phillip 1674


    Family of Bass, John and Adams, Abigail
Married Wife Adams, Abigail ( * 1658-02-27 + 1696-10-26 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1688    
    Family of Bass, John and Savil, Rebecca
Married Wife Savil, Rebecca ( * 1672-07-03 + 1724-11-30 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1699-03-17 Braintree, Norfolk, MA  


per MAYFLOWER INCREASINGS by Susan E. Roserr161 ALDENtBASStADAMStTHAYERBY GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN[THE WILL OF JOHN BASS 3][From original will] "John Bass of Braintree .... Yeoman " madehis will on 10 July, 1723. Bequests were as follows:To "Rebecca, my well beloved wife to be enjoyed by her duringher natural life, that end of my dwelling house, next theStreet, with the darytRoom; also one fourth part of the Lands,which my father left me by Will . further, I give to her, and tomy Son Ebenezer after her Decease, one acre of Land adjoining tomy orchard, which my father gave me, with my best feather Bed, &furniture, and one pair new woolen blankets, Two pair Cotton &Linen Sheets . moreover, an Iron Kettle, a new Brass Skillet awarming-pan . foure chairs she brought with her, her Chest, thenew Table, all Earthen, & glass weare of what Sort Soever, allpeuter, not brought with my former wife, one Silver Spoone, aTramel, Peal, Tongs & gridiron . all Spining Wheels for woolenor Linen, and utensils used about Spining &c with the half ofall other moveables not above mentioned, in particular,excepting what came with my former wife. Further, towards hercomfortable Subsistence, my will is, That my Sons, viz Samuel &Ebenezer, do provide forher, each of them (yearly & every year)five bushels of Indian come, and three bushels of106 Alden - Bass - Adams - Taylor Rye, Ten shillings in Beef, five Pounds of sheepswoll, & ThreePounds of flax . Each of 'em Two Cords of wood & and one Bushe]of malt: and apples, what she needs for her own use . further Igive to her, one Cow to be at her owne disposal . with all moneyor silver wear which 1 shall leave at my Decease moreover, Igive to her, and to my Son Ebenezer after her Decease . all thatwas given her by her father, whether money, or other moveables.'"To my Son John Bass, (who has had his full part of my landsalready) I give in addition .... an equall part, with his TwoBrothers, of my Cedar Swamp . also half of the Household,moveables, which came by his mother, the other half to be forhis Brother Samuel, to be equally divided between them Two onlyReckoning what they have before my Death as a part, so to beproportioned."To "my Son Samuel Bass .... my Dwelling-house Barne, and otherSmal Edifices, with the Land about the house, and the orchard,with the half of all other the Lands I have power to D'spose of,(Excepting one acre of Salt Marsh, in the broad meadows.) withthe half of the moveables which came by his mother as abovesaid".To "my Son Ebenezer Bass .... besides what I have given to himto be enjoyed after the Death of his mother, one acre of Saltmarsh in the broad-meadows, above mentioned, and, the remaininghalf of the Lands I have power to dispose of above mentionedalso.""further, my wills is, that my MalttMill, with all my shoptoolsbe equally divided between my three Sons above mentioned."`iall my Debts & funeral Charges shall be paid out of my Stock,and what shall remaine after this, shall be equally dividedbetween my Son Samuel & my Son Ebenezer.""whatsoever of household-provision either of graine orotherwise, shall be in the house at my decease, or of Cropps onthe Ground, shall be for the use of my family that shallSurvive.""It is my desire and Will, that my Lands at the house Lot woh 1value at Sixty Pounds; and that at home, in the orchard & stonyfield, valued at Ten Pound 1F acre, and Pasture at Six Pounds anacre, If Samuel & Ebenezer See cause to sell one to the other,be Sold, at the value above mentioned.""I do hereby constitute .... my Son Samuel Executor, & Rebeccamy beloved wife Executrix "The witnesses were Jonathan Webb, Jerusha Webb, and BenjaminWebb. They made oath to the will, at Boston, on 30 November,1724. The will was also recorded, 23: 425. Alden - Bass - Adams- Thayer 107From original petition: "These are to Signifie to your Honour,that it is my desire that you would admit of my Husband's Willbeing proved, tho' 1 am uncapable of appearing before yourHonour, thro' bodily weakness at this Time &c "Signed" rebakcabass " and dated "Braintree Nov: 30, 1724."[23: 425] The will was probated on 30 November, 1724, andadministration granted to "his Relict Widow Rebecca Bass and hisSon Samuel Bass Executors".


  1. Bass, John
    1. Alden, Ruth
      1. Bass, John
        1. Adams, Abigail
        2. Savil, Rebecca
      2. Bass, Samuel Deacon
      3. Bass, Ruth
      4. Bass, Joseph
      5. Bass, Hannah
      6. Bass, Mary
      7. Bass, Sarah
      8. Bass, Phillip
