Wright, Esther

Birth Name Wright, Esther
Gender female
Age at Death 33 years, 3 months, 3 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1709/10-03-04 (Julian) Plympton, MA  
Death 1743-06-18 Duxbury, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Wright, John16811774-05-03
Mother Lucas, Mary1684-05-041759-09-24
         Wright, Esther 1709/10-03-04 (Julian) 1743-06-18
    Brother     Wright, John 1711-10-11
    Sister     Wright, Repentance 1713-10-18 1800-05-07
    Brother     Wright, Benjamin 1715/6-03-20 (Julian) 1792-03-10
    Sister     Wright, Sarah 1719-11-17 1809-05-10
    Brother     Wright, Adam 1724-09-27 1776-02-00


    Family of Hunt, John and Wright, Esther
Married Husband Hunt, John ( * 1709/1710 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1733    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hunt, John1734
Hunt, Judah1737
Hunt, Mary1741


"Mayflower families", pg 44 John Wright's Father's Will datedPlymton, 6 Aug 1772f, proved 6 Jun 1774, names sons John, Adamand Benjamine; daughters Repentance and Sarah"Mayflower families", pg 44 John Wright, father ofEsther was b. Plymouth abt 1681, d. Plympton 31 May 1774, in94th year, and is buried in Old Cemetery at Plympton Center. Hem. Plymouth, 20 May 1708, Mary Lucas, dau of Benoni andRepentance (_______) Lucas, b. Plymouth 4 May 1684, d. Plympton24 Sept 1759 in 76th year. Will dated Plymton, 6 Aug 1772,proved 6 Jun 1774, names sons John, Adam and Benjamine;daughters Repentance and Sarah and grandchildren John, Judah andMary Hunt.Esther Wright, b. Plympton 4 May 1709/1710; d. Duxbury 18 Jun1743. She m. Duxbury ca 1733 John Hunt, son of Thomas and Honor(Stetson) Hunt, b. Dux- bury ca. 1709/10. John Wright, namedEsther's children in his will of 1774 John Hunt m. (2) Duxbury 1May 1746 Deborah Soule. Since Deborah's child- ren are of thefifth generation, this part of John Hunt's family is carriedforward as a separate family. See Family 86. Children (Hunt) b.Duxbury: i. John, b. 1734. ii. Judah, b. 1737. iii. Mary, b.1741. References: MD 12:32, 162; VR Duxbury, Plympton; PlymouthCo. PR 21:618-9 (John Wright): Hunt Gen p. 141


  1. Wright, John
    1. Lucas, Mary
      1. Wright, Esther
        1. Hunt, John
          1. Hunt, John
          2. Hunt, Judah
          3. Hunt, Mary
      2. Wright, John
      3. Wright, Repentance
      4. Wright, Benjamin
      5. Wright, Sarah
      6. Wright, Adam
