Hunting, Betsey

Birth Name Hunting, Betsey
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hunting, Timothy17521793-10-00
Mother Savage, Lucy
         Hunting, Betsey
    Sister     Hunting, Sarah 1779-09-08
    Brother     Hunting, John
    Sister     Hunting, Dolly
    Brother     Hunting, Mason
    Sister     Hunting, Hannah
    Brother     Hunting, Arthur 1794-07-25 1864-06-13


    Family of Daken and Hunting, Betsey
Unknown Partner Daken ( * + ... )


  1. Hunting, Timothy
    1. Savage, Lucy
      1. Hunting, Betsey
        1. Daken
      2. Hunting, John
      3. Hunting, Dolly
      4. Hunting, Mason
      5. Hunting, Hannah
      6. Hunting, Sarah
      7. Hunting, Arthur
