Giddings, Thomas

Birth Name Giddings, Thomas
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Gidding, George16091676-06-01
Mother Lawrence, Jane1614-12-18
    Brother     Giddings, John 1639 1690/1-03-03 (Julian)
         Giddings, Thomas
    Brother     Giddings, James
    Brother     Giddings, Samuel
    Brother     Giddings, Joseph
    Sister     Giddings, Mary


    Family of Giddings, Thomas and Goodhue, Mary
Unknown Partner Goodhue, Mary ( * + ... )


  1. Gidding, George
    1. Lawrence, Jane
      1. Giddings, Thomas
        1. Goodhue, Mary
      2. Giddings, James
      3. Giddings, Samuel
      4. Giddings, Joseph
      5. Giddings, Mary
      6. Giddings, John
