
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gaffers. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Alice Hume 1900-04-28  
Clarence Edmund 1905-05-13 1983
Darrell, (adopted) 1919-03-18 1965-02-00
Dorothea, (adopted) 1915-08-31 1974-07-00
Gertrude VINE 1890-11-15 1918
John MacDONALD 1902-07-23 1970-09-04
Leslie Clark 1893-06-09 1981
Mabel Catherine 1888-04-25 1935-10-05
Marion Rose 1898-02-09 1983
Mildred Winifred 1895-10-19 1973-03-15
William CHESEBROUGH 1886-10-17 1946-12-28
William CHESEBROUGH 1936-03-10 1955-11-23
William Rose 1863-04-24 1934-07-29