
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stein. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Clifford Walter Phillip 1911-01-04 1971-01-07
Ernst Frederick 1868-10-20 1930-03-27
Faith 1950 1950
Fred W.    
Gary Alan 1945-09-17 1965-04-21
Gorman W. 1918-06-22 1973-04-20
Ida L. 1896-04-29 1973-06-09
Ira Ernest Frank 1894-05-26 1988-01-18
Melvin 1900-11-16 1992-05-07
Mildred 1902-11-06 1995-06-02
Oren William Lester 1906-11-09 1984-05-09
Phyllis 1933-08-14 1995-10-23
Viola 1904-12-06 1996-05-30
Wallie G. 1898-10-23 1970-02-16