
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Remington. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Charles Francis    
Earnest Badger 1848-10-26 1848-10-27
Harriet Amelia 1854-02-07 1934-01-14
Helen Maria Badger 1857-12-13 1929-03-24
Jerome Eugene 1852-09-05 1909-07-04
Jerome Napoleon 1819-02-27 1877-12-10
John Bradley 1865-08-25 1865-09-02
Joseph Fuller 1859-10-11 1898-11-28
Laura Ellen 1867-10-04 1867-10-00
Lester Menchin 1899-11-18 1972-05-14
Louise Mary 1921-01-31 1982-05-11
Lydia Eugenia 1851-06-01 1927-09-11
Marion Vilate 1863-04-08 1925-02-21
Nancy Roxana May 1861-10-08 1903-07-13
Phoebe Violet (Vilate) 1866-09-12 1866-09-00
Rodney Badger 1856-01-02 1940-12-07