
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wallington. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Abigail 1680-06-24 after 1703
Benjamin 1678-06-27 after 1703
Elizabeth 1674-06-23 after 1703
Esther 1676-06-08 after 1703
Hannah 1667-11-27  
James 1665-10-06 after 1703
John 1655-09-06 1655-09-06
John 1659-04-07 before 1703
Joseph 1672-04-20 after 1703
Mary 1663-08-22 after 1708
Nicholas 1630 1682-05-10
Nicholas 1657-01-02 before 1703
Sarah 1661-05-20 1683-02-09
William 1670-02-27 1685-03-05