
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Southward. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Ann Elizabeth 1883-11-22 1954
Calvin Ernest 1881-12-14 1952-08-17
Charles Frederick 1878-09-22
Einez Johanna 1913-10-24 1914-03-11
Ernest John 1913-10-24 1919-05-30
Estella Zora 1880-04-14 1903-10-23
Flora Marian 1876-10-19 1961-01-09
Herman William 1918-04-13 1977
James Edward 1875-01-08 1959-12-00
Jonathon 1849-03-26 1938-10-03
Jonathon Hudson 1885-07-27 1920-07-20
Orrin Vern 1889-08-09 1948-01-08
Susan Jane 1873-07-31 1924-04-07
Warren Hays 1889-08-09 1919-04-04