No title - ID S0988
Publication information | The Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, MA |
Records not imported into SOUR (source) Gramps ID S0988:
Line ignored as not understood Line 669527: 1 EDTN 1917
Key | Value |
TYPE | Book |
- Birth, Morgan, Ruth
- Lane, Deborah
- Marriage, Family of Thurston, Joseph and Norwood, Esther
- Lane, Job
- Marriage, Family of Searle, David and Sayword, Judith
- Day, David
- Parsons, Deborah
- Thurston, Joseph
- Birth, Lane, Joseph
- Marriage, Family of Lane, Job and Ashby, Mary
- Lane, Hepzibah
- Marriage, Family of Morgan, Paul and Brown, Anna
- Birth, Stover, Isaac
- Sayword, Judith
- Baptism, Lane, Joseph
- Birth, Morgan, Paul
- Marriage, Family of Day, Ebenezer and Downing, Hannah
- Pool, Martha
- Elwell, Abigail
- Norwood, Stephen
- Lane, Joseph
- Marriage, Family of Parsons, William and Pool, Martha
- Morgan, Paul
- Marriage, Family of Norwood, Nathan and Morgan, Judith
- Christening, Day, Bethiah
- Marriage, Family of Norwood, Stephen and Parsons, Deborah
- Wallis, Dorcas
- Birth, Morgan, Mary
- Marriage, Family of Norwood, Stephen and Davis, Peggy
- Birth, Lane, Hepzibah
- Liscum, Gideom
- Lane, Deborah
- Burial, Day, David
- Death, Lane, Deborah
- Searle, David
- Marriage, Family of Liscum, Gideom and Morgan, Lucy
- Marriage, Family of Parsons, James Jr. and Lane, Deborah
- Parsons, James Jr.
- Downing, Hannah
- Birth, Wallis, Elizabeth
- Baptism, Stanford, John
- Davis, Peggy
- Rowe, Zacheus
- Birth, Elwell, Abigail
- Death, Wallis, Dorcas
- Stover, Isaac
- Ashby, Mary
- Morgan, Judith
- Wallis, Elizabeth
- Norwood, Esther
- Birth, Haraden, Deborah
- Norwood, Deborah
- Marriage, Family of Tarr, Caleb and Norwood, Deborah
- Norwood, Stephen
- Lane, Joseph
- Birth, Day, Ebenezer
- Baptism, Downing, Hannah
- Brown, Anna
- Day, Bethiah
- Dimmock, Bethia
- Morgan, Lucy
- Morgan, Mary
- Birth, Rowe, Zacheus
- Tarr, Caleb
- Death, Lane, Joseph
- Birth, Day, David
- Morgan, Ruth
- Haraden, Deborah
- Parsons, William
- Norwood, Nathan
- Marriage, Family of Day, David and Dimmock, Bethia
- Birth, Parsons, James Jr.
- Day, Ebenezer
- Stanford, John