No title - ID S0039
Author | Goodwin, John Samuel |
Publication information | Orrin Sheller Goodwin Printer and Publisher, Chicago, IL, 1898 |
Key | Value |
TYPE | Book |
- Death, Goodwin, Daniel
- Davis, Sarah
- Birth, Ross, James
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Daniel and , Amy
- Goodwin, Hannah
- Mills, James Ellison
- Marriage, Family of Barker, Martin R. and Mills, Mary Dyer
- Birth, Goodwin, Susannah
- Death, Goodwin, Mary
- Perkins, Manning Ellis
- Marriage, Family of Mills, Preserved Brayton and Lunt, Jane
- Mills, Myron
- Baptism, Goodwin, Ann
- Death, Cummings, Louisa
- Birth, Goodwin, Anne
- Birth, Ruggles, Lucia Dalton
- Death, Lunt, Jane
- Ross, Samuel
- Goodwin, Bartholomew
- Paine, Caroline M.
- , Mary
- Birth, Ruggles, Louisa Kingsley
- Birth, Goodwin, Richard
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Barker, Emily
- Baptism, Goodwin, Bartholomew
- Mills, Joseph Leonard
- Death, Ellison, Edward
- Lunt, Jane
- Mills, Mary Barker
- Death, Mills, Preserved Brayton Jr.
- Birth, Goodwin, Amy
- Birth, Mills, Mary Barker
- Birth, Mills, George Vaughn
- Birth, Mills, George Vaughn
- Death, Mills, Ford Whitman
- Baptism, Goodwin, Margaret
- Marriage, Family of Mills, George Vaughn and Farnham, Dorothy
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Marriage, Family of Mills, Preserved Brayton and Paine, Caroline M.
- Death, Perkins, Mary Tapley
- Birth, Goodwin, George
- Goodwin, Elizabeth
- Goodwin, Nathaniel
- Birth, Goodwin, Abigail
- Birth, Goodwin, James
- Baptism, Goodwin, Keturah
- Birth, Goodwin, Samuel
- Birth, Ross, Jonathan
- Birth, Mills, Miriam Hannaford
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Birth, Goodwin, Ann
- Birth, Barker
- Hooper, Abigail
- Goodwin, James
- Birth, Mills, Alice Farnham
- Birth, Mills, Emily Houston
- Barker
- Baptism, Goodwin
- Birth, Mills, Abner Hallowell
- Mills, Alice Farnham
- Ellison, Sarah Elizabeth
- Mills, Isaac Whitman
- Birth, Ruggles, Mary Rosamond
- Marriage, Family of Mills, George Vaughn and Wasson, Nancy L.
- Birth, Mills, Susan Walker
- Baptism, Goodwin, Solomon
- Birth, Ruggles, Mary Elizabeth
- Death, Farnham, Dorothy
- Death, Milliken, Richard L.
- Goodwin, Margaret
- Birth, Ellison, Almeda Frances
- Death, Goodwin, Amaziah
- Birth, Goodwin, Elizabeth
- Birth, Goodwin, Daniel
- Goodwin, Margaret
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, George and Ayres, Abigail
- Baptism, Goodwin, Nathaniel
- Ruggles, Henry
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Birth, Mills, Burritt P.
- Preble, Judith
- Baptism, Goodwin, Amy
- Birth, Barker
- Perkins, Brayton Mills
- Death, Goodwin, James
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Amaziah and Bracy, Mary
- Barker
- Death, Mills, Abner Hallowell
- Birth, Mills, Luke Samuel
- Goodwin, Stephen
- Perkins, Frank Cummings
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Daniel and Spencer, Margaret
- Death, Ross, Mary Goodwin
- Birth, Goodwin, Amaziah
- Thompson, Sarah
- Ruggles, Alicia
- Birth, Ruggles, Marguerite
- Death, Mills, Miranda Helen
- Birth, Mills, James Ellison
- Death, Mills, Emily Houston
- Marriage, Family of Perkins, Nathaniel and Mills, Miriam Hannaford
- Baptism, Goodwin, Daniel
- Birth, Mills, Miranda Helen
- Goodwin, Samuel
- Goodwin, James
- Birth, Mills, Emily Snow
- Goodwin, Francis
- Birth, Perkins, John Douglass
- Death, Goodwin, Anne
- Birth, Perkins, Phebe Jarvis
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Birth, Goodwin, Henry
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Mills, Abigail
- Eustis, Lydia
- Ross, Mary Goodwin
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Birth, Mills, Isaac Whitman
- Birth, Farnham, Dorothy
- Birth, Ross, Mary Goodwin
- Death, Barker, Emily
- Ruggles, Emmeline
- Barker, Ellen
- Death, Ruggles, Henry Bond
- Birth, Perkins, Manning Ellis
- Goodwin, William
- Mills, Mary Dyer
- Goodwin, Olive
- Death, Perkins, Nathaniel
- Mills, Albert Reed
- Birth, Goodwin, Daniel
- Goodwin, Anne
- Goodwin, Amy
- Ruggles, Henry Stoddard
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Baptism, Goodwin, Caleb
- Death, Mills, Innocence
- Birth, Goodwin, Nathaniel
- Baptism, Goodwin, Henry
- Marriage, Family of Ruggles, Henry Stoddard and Ryan, Mary Elizabeth
- Birth, Ruggles, Emmeline
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Barker, John
- Baptism, Goodwin, Daniel
- Goodwin, Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Amaziah and Butler, Sarah
- Baptism, Goodwin, Stephen
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Death, Barker, Ellen
- Goodwin, George
- Birth, Ellison, Sarah Elizabeth
- Ross, Joanna Ricker
- Death, Mills, Susan Walker
- Birth, Goodwin, Keturah
- Ellison, Helen Mills
- Birth, Mills, Preserved Brayton Jr.
- Mills, Luke Samuel
- Birth, Goodwin, Margaret
- Goodwin, Margaret
- Goodwin, Mary
- Birth, Mills, Albert Reed
- Mills, Emily Snow
- Ruggles, Julia Parker
- Birth, Mills, James Cahoon
- Baptism, Goodwin, Abigail
- Mills, George Vaughn
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, James and Thompson, Sarah
- Goodwin, Samuel
- Death, Ellison, Helen Mills
- Birth, Ross, Elizabeth Stanley
- Ross, Elizabeth Stanley
- Death, Paine, Caroline M.
- Death, Goodwin, Daniel
- Baptism, Goodwin, Sarah
- Birth, Goodwin, Francis
- Goodwin, Anne
- Goodwin, Nancy
- Butler, Sarah
- Birth, Perkins, Mary Tapley
- Birth, Ruggles, Horace Cheney
- Death, Goodwin, Solomon
- Birth, Goodwin, Benjamin
- Baptism, Goodwin, Miles
- Birth, Ellison, Mary Harris
- Baptism, Goodwin, Samuel
- Ruggles, Lucia Dalton
- Death, Mills, Joseph Leonard
- Birth, Mills, Myron
- Birth, Mills, Hiram Francis
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Nathaniel and White, Mary
- Goodwin, Joseph
- Baptism, Goodwin, Mary
- Farnham, Dorothy
- Death, Mills, Luke Samuel
- Ayres, Abigail
- Barker, Martin R.
- Goodwin, Caleb
- Birth, Goodwin, James
- Baptism, Goodwin, Daniel
- Death, Mills, Lucy Garland
- Goodwin, Samuel
- Death, Mills, Preserved Brayton
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Abraham
- Mills, Abner Hallowell
- Marriage, Family of Mills, Luke Samuel and Cummings, Louisa
- Goodwin, John
- Willoughby, Patience
- Ruggles, Horace Cheney
- Birth, Goodwin, Daniel
- Birth, Goodwin, John
- Baptism, Goodwin, James
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Ryan, Mary Elizabeth
- Death, Goodwin, Abigail
- Birth, Goodwin, Margaret
- Baptism, Goodwin, Lydia
- Ruggles, Mary Rosamond
- Death, Mills, Joseph
- Mills, Maria Moulton
- Birth, Ruggles, Henry
- Surveyor, innkeeper and a large landed proprietor
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Mills, Miranda Helen
- Birth, Ross, Joseph Phinney
- Death, Mills, Joseph
- Birth, Ross, Samuel
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Birth, Ellison, Edward
- Death, Plaisted, Roger
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Samuel and Preble, Judith
- Plaisted, Roger
- Birth, Goodwin, George
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Mills, Lucy Milliken
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Bartholomew
- Death, Ellison, Almeda Frances
- Cummings, Louisa
- Mills, Emily Houston
- Mills, Edward Ellison
- Death, Barker
- Goodwin, James
- Birth, Goodwin, Hannah
- Birth, Mills, Sarah Josephine
- Mills, Miriam Hannaford
- Baptism, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Keturah
- Baptism, Goodwin, Mary
- Ruggles, Marguerite
- Mills, Joseph
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Mills, Sarah Josephine
- Marriage, Family of Milliken, Richard L. and Mills, Lucy Garland
- Death, Goodwin, John
- Mills, Orra Whitman
- Wasson, Nancy L.
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Birth, Mills, Luke
- Goodwin, Amaziah
- Ross, James
- Marriage, Family of Mills, Joseph and Eustis, Lydia
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, John and Willoughby, Patience
- Mills, Innocence
- Baptism, Goodwin, Sarah
- Baptism, Goodwin, Sarah
- Death, Ross, Jonathan
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Ruggles, Henry Bond
- Birth, Goodwin, Joseph
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Davis
- Ruggles, Mabel Lyman
- Mills, Burritt P.
- Birth, Mills, Lucy Garland
- Death, Mills, George Vaughn
- Hooper, John
- Birth, Barker, Emily
- Mills, Dorothy Farnham
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Solomon and Hooper, Abigail
- Ellison, Almeda Frances
- Birth, Perkins, Frank Cummings
- Goodwin, Amy
- Mills, Joseph
- Perkins, Phebe Jarvis
- Goodwin, Benjamin
- Birth, Mills, Dorothy Farnham
- Birth, Mills, Innocence
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Mills, James Cahoon
- Goodwin, Abraham
- Birth, Ross, Sarah Phinney
- Mills, George Vaughn
- Marriage, Family of Curran, N. F. and Ellison, Mary Harris
- Death, Mills, Maria Moulton
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Birth, Mills, Maria Moulton
- Ross, Sarah Phinney
- Birth, Mills, Joseph Leonard
- Birth, Ruggles, Alicia
- Goodwin, Solomon
- Birth, Hall, Sarah
- Ellison, Edward
- Curran, N. F.
- Birth, Barker, Ellen
- Baptism, Goodwin, Davis
- Goodwin, Abigail
- Baptism, Goodwin, Mary
- Birth, Goodwin, Davis
- Ross, Jonathan
- Goodwin, John
- Goodwin, Mary
- Birth, Goodwin, Amaziah
- Birth, Mills, Mary Dyer
- Goodwin, Lydia
- Birth, Barker, John
- Birth, Mills, Abigail
- Hall, Sarah
- Baptism, Goodwin, James
- Perkins, Mary Tapley
- Death, Goodwin, Sarah
- Mills, Preserved Brayton Jr.
- Ruggles, Louisa Kingsley
- Mills, Lucy Garland
- Death, Eustis, Lydia
- Goodwin, Henry
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Samuel and Davis, Sarah
- Goodwin, Mary
- Birth, Goodwin, Mary
- Baptism, Goodwin, Mary
- Mills, Luke
- Goodwin, Mary
- Death, Mills, Alice Farnham
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Margaret
- Death, Mills, Lucy Milliken
- Death, Mills, James Cahoon
- Goodwin, Richard
- Mills, Preserved Brayton
- Baptism, Goodwin, Amy
- Birth, Mills, Orra Whitman
- Birth, Mills, Lucy Milliken
- Perkins, John Douglass
- Birth, Barker, Martin R.
- Ruggles, Francis Dunbar
- Birth, Ryan, Mary Elizabeth
- Birth, Ruggles, Henry Stoddard
- Mills, Susan Walker
- Goodwin, Benjamin
- Birth, Goodwin, Anne
- Birth, Ellison, Helen Mills
- Goodwin, Miles
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Death, Mills, Orra Whitman
- Mills, Ford Whitman
- Perkins, Nathaniel
- Death, , Mary
- Goodwin
- Marriage, Family of Mills, Luke Samuel and , Mary
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Amaziah
- Ruggles, Mary Elizabeth
- Birth, Goodwin, Lydia
- Birth, Goodwin, Bartholomew
- Goodwin, George
- Baptism, Goodwin, Susannah
- Death, Barker
- Birth, Goodwin, Margaret
- Baptism, Goodwin, George
- Goodwin, Thomas
- Death, Goodwin, Bartholomew
- Birth, Ruggles, Mabel Lyman
- Goodwin, James
- Death, Mills, Abigail
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Abigail
- Birth, Mills, Ford Whitman
- Goodwin, Mary
- Birth, Mills, Edward Ellison
- Goodwin, Ann (Hannah)
- Goodwin, Louisa
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Farmer
- Birth, Ross, Joanna Ricker
- Birth, Goodwin, Miles
- Ellison, Mary Harris
- Birth, Goodwin, Daniel
- Goodwin, Abigail
- Birth, Mills, Joseph
- Birth, Goodwin, Thomas
- Birth, Mills, Edward Ellison
- Goodwin, Susannah
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Nathaniel
- Goodwin, James
- Bracy, Mary
- Baptism, Goodwin, George
- Milliken, Richard L.
- Goodwin, George
- Goodwin, Daniel
- Birth, Perkins, Brayton Mills
- Goodwin, Ann
- Birth, Mills, Preserved Brayton
- Shoemaker
- Ross, Joseph Phinney
- Goodwin, Margaret
- Birth, Ruggles, Julia Parker
- Birth, Goodwin, Mary
- Spencer, Margaret
- Death, Ruggles, Mary Elizabeth
- Birth, Mills, Joseph
- White, Mary
- , Amy
- Goodwin, Mary
- Goodwin, John
- Mills, Edward Ellison
- Birth, Ruggles, Francis Dunbar
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Birth, Goodwin, Louisa
- Birth, Goodwin, Mary
- Mills, Hiram Francis
- Marriage, Family of Ellison, Edward and Mills, Lucy Garland