No title - ID S1302

Author Arthaud, John Bradley
Publication information New England Historical and Genealogical Register


Records not imported into SOUR (source) Gramps ID S1302:

Line ignored as not understood Line 670808: 1 VOL Vol. 152 Number 607


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    1. Wallis
    2. Riggs, Mary
    3. Marriage, Family of Morgan, Henry and Row, Lucy
      1. Morgan, Henry (Primary)
      2. Row, Lucy (Primary)
    4. Marriage, Family of Lane, John and Riggs, Mary
      1. Riggs, Mary (Primary)
      2. Lane, John (Primary)
    5. Baptism, Morgan, John
      1. Morgan, John (Primary)
    6. Lane, Dorcas
    7. Lane, Joshua
    8. Baptism, Lane, Ann
      1. Lane, Ann (Primary)
    9. Birth, Lane, Solomon
      1. Lane, Solomon (Primary)
    10. Death, Woodbury, Judith
      1. Woodbury, Judith (Primary)
    11. Wallis, Benjamin
    12. Tucker, William
    13. Morgan, John
    14. Lane, Ann
    15. Birth, Morgan, Henry
      1. Morgan, Henry (Primary)
    16. Morgan, John
    17. Webster, Thomas
    18. Death, Wallis, Joseph
      1. Wallis, Joseph (Primary)
    19. Baptism, Parsons, Deborah
      1. Parsons, Deborah (Primary)
    20. Baptism, Morgan, John
      1. Morgan, John (Primary)
    21. Death, Lane, Thomas
      1. Lane, Thomas (Primary)
    22. Death, Wallis, Dorcas
      1. Wallis, Dorcas (Primary)
    23. Ashby, Mary
    24. Marriage, Family of Lane, Benjamin and Griffin, Elizabeth
      1. Griffin, Elizabeth (Primary)
      2. Lane, Benjamin (Primary)
    25. Birth, Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    26. Morgan, Judith
    27. Baptism, Lane, Gideon
      1. Lane, Gideon (Primary)
    28. Birth, Lane, Hezekiah
      1. Lane, Hezekiah (Primary)
    29. Birth, Lane, Lois
      1. Lane, Lois (Primary)
    30. Lane, Amy
    31. Birth, Tucker, William
      1. Tucker, William (Primary)
    32. Marriage, Family of Morgan, Joseph and Wallis, Elizabeth
      1. Morgan, Joseph (Primary)
      2. Wallis, Elizabeth (Primary)
    33. Lane, John
    34. Baptism, Lane, Rebecca
      1. Lane, Rebecca (Primary)
    35. Norwood, Stephen
    36. Death, Morgan
      1. Morgan (Primary)
    37. Birth, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    38. Birth, Gott, Esther
      1. Gott, Esther (Primary)
    39. Lane, Ruth
    40. Birth, Morgan, Lucy
      1. Morgan, Lucy (Primary)
    41. Death, Lane, Benjamin
      1. Lane, Benjamin (Primary)
    42. Morgan, Mary
    43. Birth, Lane, Josiah
      1. Lane, Josiah (Primary)
    44. Lane, Joseph
    45. Gott, Charles
    46. Death, Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr.
      1. Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr. (Primary)
    47. Death, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    48. Wallis, Rebecca
    49. Birth, Lane, Rebecca
      1. Lane, Rebecca (Primary)
    50. Baptism, Langsford, Thomasin
      1. Langsford, Thomasin (Primary)
    51. Morgan, Ruth
    52. Haraden, Deborah
    53. Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr.
    54. Parsons, William
    55. Baptism, Morgan, Rebecca
      1. Morgan, Rebecca (Primary)
    56. Morgan, Henry
    57. Birth, Parsons, James Jr.
      1. Parsons, James Jr. (Primary)
    58. Birth, Lane, William
      1. Lane, William (Primary)
    59. Birth, Lane, Jonathan
      1. Lane, Jonathan (Primary)
    60. Lane, Jonathan
    61. Pauling, Matthew
    62. Death, Woodbury, William
      1. Woodbury, William (Primary)
    63. Death, Morgan, Rebecca
      1. Morgan, Rebecca (Primary)
    64. Marriage, Family of Lane, Josiah and York, Rachel (Sarah)
      1. Lane, Josiah (Primary)
      2. York, Rachel (Sarah) (Primary)
    65. Birth, Lane, James
      1. Lane, James (Primary)
    66. Birth, Lane, Sarah
      1. Lane, Sarah (Primary)
    67. Birth, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    68. Marriage, Family of Lane, Job and Ashby, Mary
      1. Ashby, Mary (Primary)
      2. Lane, Job (Primary)
    69. Lane, Hepzibah
    70. Langsford, John
    71. Morgan, Nabby Row
    72. Marriage, Family of Morgan, John and Bray, Abigail
      1. Bray, Abigail (Primary)
      2. Morgan, John (Primary)
    73. Black, Elizabeth
    74. Marriage, Family of Tucker, William and Lane, Dorcas
      1. Tucker, William (Primary)
      2. Lane, Dorcas (Primary)
    75. Birth, Parsons, William
      1. Parsons, William (Primary)
    76. Lane, Mary
    77. Griffin, Elizabeth
    78. Birth, Lane, Hepzibah
      1. Lane, Hepzibah (Primary)
    79. Death, Morgan, Paul Jr.
      1. Morgan, Paul Jr. (Primary)
    80. Riggs, Ruth
    81. Birth, Webster, Sarah
      1. Webster, Sarah (Primary)
    82. Birth, Wallis, James
      1. Wallis, James (Primary)
    83. Lane, Deborah
    84. Lane, Lydia
    85. Lane, Deborah
    86. Birth, Lane, Caleb
      1. Lane, Caleb (Primary)
    87. Birth, Stanford, John
      1. Stanford, John (Primary)
    88. Birth, Lane, Joshua
      1. Lane, Joshua (Primary)
    89. Woodbury, Judith
    90. Birth, Langsford, Deborah
      1. Langsford, Deborah (Primary)
    91. Baptism, Lane, Daniel
      1. Lane, Daniel (Primary)
    92. Death, Wallis, Elizabeth
      1. Wallis, Elizabeth (Primary)
    93. Lane, Hezekiah
    94. Birth, Morgan, Johannah
      1. Morgan, Johannah (Primary)
    95. Wallis, Joseph
    96. Gott, Esther
    97. Birth, Lane, Dorcas
      1. Lane, Dorcas (Primary)
    98. Marriage, Family of Gott, Charles and Morgan, Abigail
      1. Morgan, Abigail (Primary)
      2. Gott, Charles (Primary)
    99. Death, Norwood, Stephen
      1. Norwood, Stephen (Primary)
    100. Birth, Lane, Benjamin
      1. Lane, Benjamin (Primary)
    101. Baptism, Langsford, Deborah
      1. Langsford, Deborah (Primary)
    102. Lane, Dorcas
    103. Lane, Rebecca
    104. Marriage, Family of Lane, William and Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
      2. Lane, William (Primary)
    105. Stanford, William
    106. Lane, Benjamin
    107. Lane, Joseph
    108. Baptism, Lane, Peter
      1. Lane, Peter (Primary)
    109. Birth, Lane, Ann
      1. Lane, Ann (Primary)
    110. Marriage, Family of Pauling, Matthew and Wallis
      1. Wallis (Primary)
      2. Pauling, Matthew (Primary)
    111. Death, Lane, James
      1. Lane, James (Primary)
    112. Lane, Peter
    113. Birth, Wallis, Benjamin
      1. Wallis, Benjamin (Primary)
    114. Langsford, Molly
    115. Morgan, Lucy
    116. Morgan, Joseph
    117. Birth, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    118. Birth, Parsons, William
      1. Parsons, William (Primary)
    119. Baptism, Morgan, Johannah
      1. Morgan, Johannah (Primary)
    120. Langsford, Thomasin
    121. Birth, Wallis, Dorcas
      1. Wallis, Dorcas (Primary)
    122. Death, Lane, Josiah
      1. Lane, Josiah (Primary)
    123. Baptism, Morgan, Lucy
      1. Morgan, Lucy (Primary)
    124. Marriage, Family of Webster, Thomas and Lane, Deborah
      1. Webster, Thomas (Primary)
      2. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    125. Norwood, Nathan
    126. Morgan, Rebecca
    127. Birth, Gott, David
      1. Gott, David (Primary)
    128. York, Rachel (Sarah)
    129. Bray, Abigail
    130. Birth, Langsford, Martha
      1. Langsford, Martha (Primary)
    131. Birth, Morgan, John
      1. Morgan, John (Primary)
    132. Birth, Woodbury, Judith
      1. Woodbury, Judith (Primary)
    133. Lane, John
    134. Death, Lane, Peter
      1. Lane, Peter (Primary)
    135. Birth, Wallis, Rebecca
      1. Wallis, Rebecca (Primary)
    136. Lane, Elizabeth
    137. Birth, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    138. Birth, Lane, John
      1. Lane, John (Primary)
    139. Lane, John
    140. Gott, David
    141. Birth, Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    142. Marriage, Family of Lane, Joseph and Haraden, Deborah
      1. Haraden, Deborah (Primary)
      2. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    143. Marriage, Family of Stanford, William and Lane, Esther
      1. Lane, Esther (Primary)
      2. Stanford, William (Primary)
    144. Norwood, Stephen
    145. Lane, Joseph
    146. Baptism, Lane, Amy
      1. Lane, Amy (Primary)
    147. Wharfe, Thomas
    148. Birth, Wallis, Joseph
      1. Wallis, Joseph (Primary)
    149. Wallis, James
    150. Marriage, Family of Lane, William and Griffin, Lydia
      1. Griffin, Lydia (Primary)
      2. Lane, William (Primary)
    151. Birth, Lane, James
      1. Lane, James (Primary)
    152. Marriage, Family of Norwood, Stephen and Parsons, Deborah
      1. Norwood, Stephen (Primary)
      2. Parsons, Deborah (Primary)
    153. Lane, Gideon
    154. Wallis, Dorcas
    155. Birth, Morgan, Nabby Row
      1. Morgan, Nabby Row (Primary)
    156. Lane, James
    157. Liscum, Gideom
    158. Birth, Langsford, Molly
      1. Langsford, Molly (Primary)
    159. Birth, Morgan, Hanry
      1. Morgan, Hanry (Primary)
    160. Stanford, Esther
    161. Lane, Thomas
    162. Birth, Lane, Peter
      1. Lane, Peter (Primary)
    163. Parsons, James Jr.
    164. Baptism, Langsford, John
      1. Langsford, John (Primary)
    165. Marriage, Family of Parsons, James Jr. and Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
      2. Parsons, James Jr. (Primary)
    166. Baptism, Parsons, William
      1. Parsons, William (Primary)
    167. Morgan, Paul Jr.
    168. Birth, Wallis, Elizabeth
      1. Wallis, Elizabeth (Primary)
    169. Baptism, Stanford, John
      1. Stanford, John (Primary)
    170. Birth, Lane, Benjamin
      1. Lane, Benjamin (Primary)
    171. Lane, Solomon
    172. Death, Lane, John
      1. Lane, John (Primary)
    173. Death, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    174. Birth, Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    175. Death, Griffin, Elizabeth
      1. Griffin, Elizabeth (Primary)
    176. Baptism, Morgan, Hanry
      1. Morgan, Hanry (Primary)
    177. Birth, Black, Elizabeth
      1. Black, Elizabeth (Primary)
    178. Birth, Lane, William
      1. Lane, William (Primary)
    179. Wallis, Elizabeth
    180. Marriage, Family of Woodbury, Caleb and Lane, Hepzibah
      1. Lane, Hepzibah (Primary)
      2. Woodbury, Caleb (Primary)
    181. Marriage, Family of Wallis, Joseph and Black, Elizabeth
      1. Black, Elizabeth (Primary)
      2. Wallis, Joseph (Primary)
    182. Birth, Lane, Thomas
      1. Lane, Thomas (Primary)
    183. Lane, Daniel
    184. Death, Riggs, Ruth
      1. Riggs, Ruth (Primary)
    185. Baptism, Gott, Esther
      1. Gott, Esther (Primary)
    186. Marriage, Family of Lane, Joseph and Morgan, Johannah
      1. Morgan, Johannah (Primary)
      2. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    187. Baptism, Morgan, Henry
      1. Morgan, Henry (Primary)
    188. Taylor
      1. Morgan, Paul (Primary)
    189. Death, York, Rachel (Sarah)
      1. York, Rachel (Sarah) (Primary)
    190. Marriage, Family of Morgan, Paul and Lane, Ruth
      1. Morgan, Paul (Primary)
      2. Lane, Ruth (Primary)
    191. Morgan, Hanry
    192. Birth, Lane, Amy
      1. Lane, Amy (Primary)
    193. Birth, Lane, Dorcas
      1. Lane, Dorcas (Primary)
    194. Langsford, John
    195. Marriage, Family of Langsford, John and Lane, Deborah
      1. Langsford, John (Primary)
      2. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    196. Birth, Parsons, Betsey
      1. Parsons, Betsey (Primary)
    197. Woodbury, Caleb
    198. Birth, Lane, Mary
      1. Lane, Mary (Primary)
    199. Baptism, Lane, Dorcas
      1. Lane, Dorcas (Primary)
    200. Lane, William
    201. Birth, Lane, John
      1. Lane, John (Primary)
    202. Birth, Lane, Gideon
      1. Lane, Gideon (Primary)
    203. Birth, Lane, Joanna
      1. Lane, Joanna (Primary)
    204. Birth, Langsford, Thomasin
      1. Langsford, Thomasin (Primary)
    205. Birth, Stanford, Esther
      1. Stanford, Esther (Primary)
    206. Lane, Esther
    207. Fisherman
      1. Wallis, Joseph (Primary)
    208. Morgan, William
    209. Baptism, Webster, Sarah
      1. Webster, Sarah (Primary)
    210. Parsons, Betsey
    211. Lane, Deborah
    212. Griffin, Lydia
    213. Lane, Job
    214. Black, John
    215. Lane, Deborah
    216. Morgan
    217. Parsons, Deborah
    218. Lane, James
    219. Birth, Lane, Elizabeth
      1. Lane, Elizabeth (Primary)
    220. Langsford, Martha
    221. Marriage, Family of Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr. and Morgan, Ruth
      1. Morgan, Ruth (Primary)
      2. Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr. (Primary)
    222. Death, Lane, John
      1. Lane, John (Primary)
    223. Birth, Langsford, John
      1. Langsford, John (Primary)
    224. Birth, Morgan, Judith
      1. Morgan, Judith (Primary)
    225. Baptism, Morgan, Joseph
      1. Morgan, Joseph (Primary)
    226. Baptism, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    227. Baptism, Lane, Dorcas
      1. Lane, Dorcas (Primary)
    228. Morgan, Abigail
    229. Morgan, Paul
    230. Death, Lane, William
      1. Lane, William (Primary)
    231. Marriage, Family of Norwood, Nathan and Morgan, Judith
      1. Morgan, Judith (Primary)
      2. Norwood, Nathan (Primary)
    232. Birth, Morgan, William
      1. Morgan, William (Primary)
    233. Baptism, Morgan, William
      1. Morgan, William (Primary)
    234. Death, Morgan, John
      1. Morgan, John (Primary)
    235. Lane, Joseph
    236. Lane, William
    237. Birth, Morgan, Mary
      1. Morgan, Mary (Primary)
    238. Birth, Lane, Lydia
      1. Lane, Lydia (Primary)
    239. Baptism, Morgan, Nabby Row
      1. Morgan, Nabby Row (Primary)
    240. Birth, Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr.
      1. Stanwood, Nehemiah Jr. (Primary)
    241. Baptism, Langsford, Molly
      1. Langsford, Molly (Primary)
    242. Husbandman
      1. Black, John (Primary)
    243. Death, Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    244. Row, Lucy
    245. Marriage, Family of Liscum, Gideom and Morgan, Lucy
      1. Liscum, Gideom (Primary)
      2. Morgan, Lucy (Primary)
    246. Baptism, Gott, David
      1. Gott, David (Primary)
    247. Baptism, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    248. Baptism, Lane, Joshua
      1. Lane, Joshua (Primary)
    249. Birth, Lane, Ruth
      1. Lane, Ruth (Primary)
    250. Baptism, Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    251. Marriage, Family of Wharfe, Thomas and Lane, Dorcas
      1. Wharfe, Thomas (Primary)
      2. Lane, Dorcas (Primary)
    252. Lane, Caleb
    253. Birth, Lane, Daniel
      1. Lane, Daniel (Primary)
    254. Lane, Joseph
    255. Parsons, William
    256. Woodbury, William
    257. Langsford, Deborah
    258. Lane, Joanna
    259. Baptism, Lane, Esther
      1. Lane, Esther (Primary)
    260. Birth, Lane, Job
      1. Lane, Job (Primary)
    261. Lane, Josiah
    262. Death, Lane, Deborah
      1. Lane, Deborah (Primary)
    263. Birth, Parsons, Deborah
      1. Parsons, Deborah (Primary)
    264. Lane, Benjamin
    265. Death, Lane, James
      1. Lane, James (Primary)
    266. Baptism, Lane, Lois
      1. Lane, Lois (Primary)
    267. Webster, Sarah
    268. Morgan, Johannah
    269. Lane, Lois
    270. Marriage, Family of Lane, James and Riggs, Ruth
      1. Lane, James (Primary)
      2. Riggs, Ruth (Primary)
    271. Birth, Lane, Joseph
      1. Lane, Joseph (Primary)
    272. Birth, Lane, Esther
      1. Lane, Esther (Primary)
    273. Birth, Lane, John
      1. Lane, John (Primary)
    274. Lane, Sarah
    275. Lane, Dorcas
    276. Stanford, John