No title - ID S1033
Author | Goodwin, James Junius |
Publication information | Brown and Gross |
Records not imported into SOUR (source) Gramps ID S1033:
Line ignored as not understood Line 669719: 1 EDTN 1891
Key | Value |
TYPE | Book |
- Birth, Jeffers, Albert
- Death, Goodwin, Jason Marshall
- Death, Goodwin, Horace
- Goodwin, Lucy Sedgwick
- Birth, Markham, Samuel
- Burritt, Chauncey
- Goodwin, William Wells
- Burnham, Samuel P.
- Death, Goodwin, Mary Elizabeth
- Elmore, Frances Amelia
- Death, Goodwin, Nancy
- Bolles, Jane
- Birth, Hamlin, Robert Grove
- Birth, Goodwin, Urania
- Goodwin, Gertrude Mabel
- Goodwin, Walter James
- Death, Brusie, Harley
- Death, Hurlbut, Clarissa
- Birth, Goodwin, Ann Amelia
- Goodwin, Helen Estelle
- Birth, Goodwin, James Allen
- Marriage, Family of Brusie, John and Goodwin, Nancy
- Marriage, Family of Langworthy, Harris Peleg and Goodwin, Miranda
- Birth, Goodwin, Charles Merritt
- Farmer in Euclid, Onondaga, NY
- Birth, Goodwin, Kate Irene
- Langworthy, Harriet Melissa
- Birth, Gary, Herbert Goodwin
- Goodwin, Eliza
- Birth, Jeffers, Sabrina Melissa
- Goodwin, Charlotte
- Birth, Goodwin, Seth
- Goodwin, Sherman
- Birth, Jeffers, Matilda Chloe
- Death, Markham, Mary
- Iron worker
- Marriage, Family of Gary, Alanson and Goodwin, Julia Ethel
- Farmer and mechanic
- Death, Goodwin, Herman Wilbur
- Marriage, Family of Hamlin, Robert Grove and Goodwin, Helen Estelle
- Birth, Goodwin, Frances Catherine
- Story, Harriet
- Farmer
- Death, Mix, Mahala
- Birth, Jeffers, Julius
- Death, Burritt, Nancy
- Langworthy, Joseph C.
- Birth, Cook, Maryett Mills
- Birth, Burritt, Mary Amanda
- Birth, Goodwin, Ansel
- Birth, Gary, Alice Elizabeth
- Birth, Wheaton, William Barnes
- Death, Sedgwick, Mary
- Birth, Goodwin, James Percill
- Death, Webster, Hannah
- Birth, Goodwin, Urial
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Harvey and Sedgwick, Mary
- Birth, Goodwin, George Manning
- Birth, Hatch, Leroy
- Birth, Burritt, Anna Maria
- Crocker, Amos
- Farmer
- Goodwin, Henry
- Wheaton, John Grover
- Burritt, Charles Webster
- Birth, Langworthy, James Riley
- Death, Markham, Samuel
- Birth, Goodwin, Horace
- Goodwin, Ellen Frances
- Goodwin, Kate Irene
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Urial and Story, Harriet
- Birth, Hinsdale, Louisa G.
- Stillman, William Horace
- Birth, Goodwin, George Thomas
- Birth, Cook, Thomas Goodwin
- Cook, Maryett Mills
- Death, Goodwin, Polly
- Burritt, Charles
- Birth, Langworthy, Edward
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Harvey Burdett and Bramley, Anne
- Death, Cook, Julia Maria
- Birth, Gilson, Louisa
- Birth, Goodwin, Walter James
- Birth, Wheaton, Edith Jane
- Gary, George Elmer
- Goodwin, Julia Mary
- Hamlin, Robert Grove
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Charles A. and Harmon, Arminda
- Death, Goodwin, Frances Amelia
- Birth, Hatch, Fanny Gertrude
- Wheaton, Lydia Maria
- Carpenter and farmer
- Bramley, John Booth
- Death, Goodwin, Chloe
- Baptism, Goodwin, Ebenezer
- Farmer
- Burnham, Willie Porter
- Birth, Goodwin, Harvey
- Goodwin, Elizabeth Juliette
- Birth, Jeffers, Charlotte
- Farmer in New Hartford
- Birth, Goodwin, Louisa
- Birth, Burritt, Webster
- Hatch, Edwin Edwin
- Westlake, Matilda Sophia
- Russell, Edward Byron
- Bolles, Henry D. Jr.
- Potter and farmer
- Death, Goodwin, Edward S.
- Birth, Hall, Arthur Collins
- Jeffers, Sabrina Melissa
- Gary, Edward Alanson
- Birth, Burnham, Willie Porter
- Wheaton, William Barnes
- Death, Sutton, Jay Franklin
- Birth, Jeffers, Mary
- Birth, Gary, Freddie Horton
- Birth, Goodwin, Helen Estelle
- Cook, Thomas Goodwin
- Birth, Loveland, Laura
- Goodwin, Laura
- Death, Goodwin, Charlotte
- Farmer
- Fenn, Emily
- Birth, Stillman, Peter Deming
- Goodwin, Albert Matthias
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Grove and Gilson, Louisa
- Smith, Sarah
- Birth, Fenn, John Lester
- Death, Goodwin, James
- Birth, Goodwin, Ruth
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Joseph Gilbert and Smith, Sarah
- Birth, Goodwin, Gertrude Mabel
- Birth, Goodwin, James
- Smith, Harriet Corning
- Hall, Ernest Arthur
- Goodwin, Urial
- Birth, Stillman, Julia
- Bramley, Anne
- Gary, Freddie Horton
- Heath, Seth Darius
- Goodwin, Sophia
- Stillman, Peter Deming
- Birth, Stover, Christian Frederick
- Birth, Hall, Ernest Arthur
- Hinsdale, Louisa G.
- Death, Goodwin, Urial
- Birth, Langworthy, William V.
- Goodwin, Julia Ethel
- Birth, Hatch, Edwin Edwin
- Birth, Markham, Martha
- Death, Merrill, Maria
- Birth, Benham, Edith Evangeline
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Urial and Vansoyve, Malinda
- Goodwin, Charlotte
- Goodwin, Charles A.
- Goodwin, Louisa
- Death, Wheaton, Fred
- Birth, Goodwin, Amanda
- Loveland, Laura
- Brusie, John N.
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, William Wells and Currier, Mary Ann
- Birth, Goodwin, Grove Hart
- Gray, Sabrina Matilda
- Birth, Markham, Mary
- Goodwin, Seth
- Brusie, Harley
- Birth, Goodwin, Ebenezer Jr.
- Death, Langworthy, Harris Peleg
- Goodwin, Frances Catherine
- Death, Stover, Frederick Sherman
- Fenn, Julia
- Burnham, Mary Sedgwick
- Markham, Samuel
- Birth, Westlake, Ruth Ann
- Death, Hinsdale, James T.
- Markham, Esther
- Marriage, Family of Hall, Arthur Collins and Goodwin, Emma Louisa
- Goodwin, Ellen Maria
- Goodwin, Thomas O'Hara
- Birge, John
- Birth, Markham, Sylvia
- Birth, Goodwin, James
- Death, Burritt, Chauncey
- Birth, Harmon, Arminda
- Goodwin, Pitts
- Death, Mills, Julia A.
- Brown, George Lewis
- Stover, Christian Frederick
- Birth, Goodwin, Charlotte
- Farmer
- Hatch, Robert Edwin
- Birth, Brusie, John Pitt
- Death, Goodwin, Louisa
- Birth, Hart, Tirzah
- Birth, Cook, Julia Maria
- Goodwin, Mary Terry
- Death, Goodwin, Ansel
- Goodwin, Roy Wilbur
- Goodwin, James Michael
- Goodwin, Lucy
- Mills, Julia A.
- Gary, Alice Elizabeth
- Jeffers, Julius
- Goodwin, Ruth
- Birth, Hatch, Myra Ellen
- Goodwin, Ann Amelia
- Death, Goodwin, Sophia
- Birth, Goodwin, Amy
- Goodwin, Gilson Joel
- Webster, Ame
- Birth, Goodwin, Ruth
- Goodwin, Frederic Albert
- Birth, Langworthy, John Selim
- Birth, Goodwin, James Michael
- Birth, Goodwin, William
- Birth, Goodwin, Ansel
- Wheaton, Fred
- Birth, Goodwin, Miranda
- Goodwin, Cora Hannah
- Birth, Hamlin, Goodwin Coit
- Goodwin, William
- Birth, Goodwin, Florence Ella
- Death, Smith, Harriet Corning
- Birth, Goodwin, Chloe
- Birth, Goodwin, Jane Maria
- Goodwin, Miranda
- Birth, Coit, Abby Jane
- Birth, Bolles, Eliza
- Cook, Julia Maria
- Death, Fyler, Jerusha
- Birth, Westlake, Horace Goodwin
- Death, Goodwin, Lucy Sedgwick
- Bolles, Harriet W.
- Birth, Elmore, Frances Amelia
- Handerson, Chloe
- Wightman, Mary Helen
- Death, Burritt, Charles
- Birth, Brusie, Miriam
- Goodwin, Grove Hart
- Death, Goodwin, Mary Currier
- Birth, Goodwin, Maud Polly
- Goodwin, Ansel
- Marriage, Family of Jeffers, Julius and Goodwin, Chloe
- Mix, Mahala
- Death, Croswell, Jennet
- Birth, Goodwin, Joseph Gilbert
- Goodwin, James
- Birth, Heath, Flora Elizabeth
- Farmer
- Marriage, Family of Crocker, Amos and Goodwin, Urania
- Goodwin, Florence Ella
- Death, Goodwin, Esther
- Goodwin, Ebenezer Jr.
- Goodwin, Amanda
- Bolles, Eliza
- Cook, Azel
- Marriage, Family of Cook, Azel and Goodwin, Maria
- Goodwin, Alfred Urial
- Stover, Frederick Sherman
- Fenn, Elizur
- Birth, Goodwin, William Wells
- Death, Goodwin, Ansel
- Goodwin, Ebenezer
- Birth, Goodwin, Maud Elmore
- Death, Goodwin, Amy
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Jason Marshall and Hanchett, Lydia Ann
- Birth, Burritt, Charles Webster
- Birth, Goodwin, Julia Ethel
- Brusie, John
- Goodwin, Maria
- Jeffers, Albert
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Urial and Loveland, Laura
- Birth, Goodwin, Sherman
- Jeffers, Charlotte
- Death, Gilbert, Miriam
- Birth, Fenn, Erastus
- Gray, John
- Death, Goodwin, Sherman
- Mosher, Milton L.
- Marriage, Family of Brown, George Lewis and Goodwin, Ellen Maria
- Birth, Wightman, Mary Maria
- Hatch, James Allen
- Birth, Hatch, James Allen
- Goodwin, Polly
- Birth, Russell, Edward Byron
- Marriage, Family of Stover, Christian Frederick and Goodwin, Harriet C.
- Gilson, Louisa
- Goodwin, Martha Ann
- Harmon, Arminda
- Birth, Goodwin, Jane Croswell
- Birth, Heath, LeRoy Urial
- Birth, Goodwin, Elizabeth
- Birth, Bramley, Anne
- Birth, Heath, Seth Darius
- Birth, Langworthy, Henry M.
- Birth, Goodwin, Horatio
- Death, Goodwin, Seth
- Goodwin, Gerald Henry
- Goodwin, Jay Merrill
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Horace and Andrews, Lydia
- Goodwin, Theodosia
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Albert Edward and Benham, Harriet Malinda
- Goodwin, Herman Wilbur
- Birth, Goodwin, Frances Amelia
- Goodwin, Elizabeth
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, James Allen and Wightman, Mary Helen
- Goodwin, Henry
- Death, Jeffers, Sabrina Melissa
- Goodwin, Horace
- Gary, Herbert Goodwin
- Currier, Mary Ann
- Birth, Goodwin, Jay Merrill
- Hatch, Leroy
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Horace and Thorp, Monemia Juliette
- Goodwin, James
- Death, Goodwin, James
- Burritt, Goodwin
- Birth, Currier, Mary Ann
- Tanner and currier
- Goodwin, George Thomas
- Death, Goodwin, Matilda
- Brusie, Miriam
- Birth, Goodwin, Albert Edward
- Marriage, Family of Stillman, Peter Deming and Goodwin, Julia Ann
- Birth, Goodwin, Sarah
- Goodwin, Sarah
- Death, Fenn, Erastus
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Pitts and Gilbert, Miriam
- Birth, Goodwin, Martha Ann
- Birth, Westlake, Matilda Sophia
- Death, Stillman, Peter Deming
- Farmer
- Birth, Goodwin, Mary Elizabeth
- Goodwin, Chloe
- Burritt, William Chauncey
- Goodwin, Mary Currier
- Goodwin, Ruth Croswell
- Sutton, Hyman Gilmore
- Birth, Goodwin, Jason Marshall
- Birth, Goodwin, Sylvia
- Goodwin, Scott Gilbert
- Death, Wheaton, Ansel Fayette
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Henry and Smith, Harriet Corning
- Jeffers, Julius
- Birth, Brusie, Amy
- Birth, Goodwin, Lucy
- Hatch, Myra Ellen
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Harvey and Elmore, Frances Amelia
- Marriage, Family of Burnham, Samuel P. and Goodwin, Ann Amelia
- Birth, Brusie, Harley
- Westlake, Thomas
- Birth, Goodwin, Charlotte
- Birth, Goodwin, Gerald Henry
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, James and Wightman, Mary Maria
- Goodwin, Harvey Burdett
- Birth, Goodwin, Roy Wilbur
- Marriage, Family of Hatch, Edwin Edwin and Goodwin, Ellen Elizabeth
- Birth, Wheaton, James Goodwin
- Death, Goodwin, Lucy
- Farmer
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, James and Handerson, Chloe
- Gunsmith and locksmith
- Wheaton, Ansel Fayette
- Hinsdale, James T.
- Death, Goodwin, Horace
- Hurlbut, Clarissa
- Goodwin, Miriam Webster
- Birth, Goodwin, James
- Birth, Goodwin, Maria
- Goodwin, Charles Mix
- Birth, Goodwin, Mary Isabel
- Birth, Goodwin, Herman Wilbur
- Death, Goodwin, Helen Estelle
- Marriage, Family of Hinsdale, James T. and Goodwin, Louisa
- Birth, Goodwin, Wilbur Elmore
- Fails, Minnie A.
- Birth, Goodwin, Harvey Burdett
- Birth, Sutton, Hyman Gilmore
- Mechanic
- Birth, Goodwin, Scott Gilbert
- Jeffers, Matilda Chloe
- Birth, Gray, Sabrina Matilda
- Fenn, John Lester
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Seth and Croswell, Jennet
- Death, Goodwin, Charlotte
- Fyler, Jerusha
- Goodwin, Julia Ann
- Death, Burnham, Willie Porter
- Benham, Edith Evangeline
- Birth, Goodwin, Horace
- Vansoyve, Malinda
- Marriage, Family of Bolles, Henry D. and Goodwin, Miriam Webster
- Birth, Goodwin, May Gilbert
- Goodwin, Kate Fisher
- Birth, Gary, Edward Alanson
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Sherman and Hurlbut, Clarissa
- Jepson, Martha
- Birth, Sutton, Jay Franklin
- Birth, Goodwin, Julia Mary
- Death, Goodwin, Maria
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Wilbur Elmore and Waters, Ella J.
- Goodwin, Maud Polly
- Birth, Handerson, Chloe
- Sutton, Jay Franklin
- Death, Stover, Christian Frederick
- Death, Thorp, Monemia Juliette
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, George Manning and Benham, Edith Evangeline
- Farmer at Clay, Onondaga, NY
- Goodwin, May Gilbert
- Goodwin, James
- Goodwin, Emma Louisa
- Talcott, John B.
- Birth, Goodwin, Julia Ann
- Marriage, Family of Sutton, Hyman Gilmore and Goodwin, Jane Maria
- Birth, Croswell, Jennet
- Death, Goodwin, Mary Terry
- Goodwin, Amy
- Birth, Smith, Harriet Corning
- Birth, Goodwin, Miriam Webster
- Fenn, Erastus
- Birth, Brusie, John
- Birth, Goodwin, Charles Mix
- Birth, Bolles, Miriam G.
- Death, Brusie, John
- Birth, Goodwin, Theodosia
- Goodwin, Arleen May
- Goodwin, Joseph Gilbert
- Death, Goodwin, Charles Mix
- Birth, Goodwin, Urial
- Marriage, Family of Wheaton, John Grover and Goodwin, Julia Mary
- Birth, Gray, John
- Birth, Fenn, Julia
- Marriage, Family of Westlake, Thomas and Goodwin, Sophia
- Goodwin, Mary Isabel
- Death, Handerson, Chloe
- Farmer
- Birth, Goodwin, Sabrina
- Birth, Goodwin, Charles A.
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Charles Edward and Fails, Minnie A.
- Goodwin, James Allen
- Death, Goodwin, Charles Merritt
- Goodwin, Wilbur Elmore
- Birth, Goodwin, Nancy
- Birth, Markham, Samuel
- Birth, Mix, Mahala
- Death, Goodwin, Chloe
- Waters, Ella J.
- Birth, Goodwin, Henry
- Birth, Goodwin, Harriet C.
- Birth, Story, Harriet
- Webster, Hannah
- Death, Story, Harriet
- Death, Goodwin, Pitts
- Jeffers, George
- Farmer
- Marriage, Family of Fenn, Erastus and Goodwin, Amanda
- Langworthy, William V.
- Birth, Hurlbut, Clarissa
- Goodwin, Ellen Elizabeth
- Birth, Wheeler, Mary Arabella
- Goodwin, Harriet C.
- Hatch, Fanny Gertrude
- Birth, Goodwin, Laura
- Markham, Martha
- Goodwin, Urial
- Goodwin, James Percill
- Birth, Bolles, Jane
- Birth, Goodwin, Cora Hannah
- Apothecary
- Birth, Wheaton, Frank
- Death, Goodwin, Ebenezer Jr.
- Death, Goodwin, Horatio
- Marriage, Family of Heath, Seth Darius and Goodwin, Laura
- Goodwin, Horace
- Stillman, Caroline Louisa
- Thorp, Monemia Juliette
- Birth, Goodwin, Clarabel Helen
- Langworthy, Abigail
- Death, Goodwin, Amanda
- Death, Markham, Elizabeth
- Farmer
- Birth, Markham, Elizabeth
- Birth, Wheaton, John Grover
- Goodwin, Charles Merritt
- Grilley, Emily Eliza
- Birth, Fails, Minnie A.
- Birth, Goodwin, Ellen Maria
- Birth, Goodwin, Lucy Sedgwick
- Birth, Heath, Wilbur
- Pratt, Lorana L.
- Goodwin, Sylvia
- Wheaton, James Goodwin
- Goodwin, Matilda
- Brusie, John Pitt
- Goodwin, Mary Elizabeth
- Goodwin, Clarabel Helen
- Birth, Goodwin, Emma Louisa
- Heath, LeRoy Urial
- Marriage, Family of Markham, Samuel and Goodwin, Sylvia
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Scott Gilbert and Wheeler, Mary Arabella
- Birth, Burritt, Goodwin
- Farmer
- Birth, Wightman, Mary Helen
- Death, Gary, Freddie Horton
- Goodwin, Jane Maria
- Death, Goodwin, James Michael
- Birth, Markham, Esther
- Goodwin, Sabrina
- Merrill, Maria
- Burritt, Nancy
- Birth, Burritt, William Chauncey
- Birth, Bolles, Harriet W.
- Birth, Burritt, Chauncey
- Croswell, Jennet
- Farmer
- Death, Goodwin, Laura
- Death, Langworthy, Abigail
- Farmer
- Goodwin, Grove
- Death, Gray, John
- Jeffers, Mary
- Langworthy, Harris Peleg
- Birth, Goodwin, Elizabeth Juliette
- Birth, Goodwin, Pitts
- Birth, Goodwin, Sophia
- Goodwin, Lucy
- Birth, Goodwin, Ellen Elizabeth
- Birth, Langworthy, Abigail
- Bolles, Henry D.
- Death, Webster, Ame
- Death, Goodwin, Ebenezer
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Gilson Joel and Coit, Abby Jane
- Stillman, Julia
- Birth, Stover, Frederick Sherman
- Birth, Stillman, William Horace
- Birth, Stillman, Caroline Louisa
- Marriage, Family of Gray, John and Goodwin, Charlotte
- Birth, Goodwin, Thomas O'Hara
- Birth, Burritt, Charles
- Goodwin, Edward S.
- Furrier
- Death, Goodwin, Henry
- Birth, Thorp, Monemia Juliette
- Death, Goodwin, Cora Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Talcott, John B. and Goodwin, Jane Croswell
- Stoneware burner
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Thomas O'Hara and Mix, Mahala
- Death, Goodwin, Harriet C.
- Death, Goodwin, John
- Birth, Goodwin, Eliza
- Birth, Hanchett, Lydia Ann
- Goodwin, Albert Edward
- Burritt, Mary Amanda
- Birth, Wheaton, Fred
- Goodwin, Maud Elmore
- Marriage, Family of Bramley, John Booth and Jepson, Martha
- Birth, Goodwin, Chloe
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Henry and Hart, Tirzah
- Death, Westlake, Thomas
- Birth, Goodwin, Frederic Albert
- Birth, Gary, Alanson
- Brusie, Amy
- Birth, Goodwin, Matilda
- Gray, Charlotte Melissa
- Goodwin, Chloe
- Birth, Wheaton, Ansel Fayette
- Fenn, Mary Polly
- Hart, Tirzah
- Birth, Grilley, Emily Eliza
- Birth, Gray, Ephraim Alonzo Haventon
- Benham, Harriet Malinda
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Ebenezer Jr. and Webster, Hannah
- Birth, Goodwin, Polly
- Death, Jeffers, Julius
- Coit, Abby Jane
- Birth, Burritt, Nancy
- Gray, Ephraim Alonzo Haventon
- Birth, Hatch, Robert Edwin
- Burnham, Wilbur Samuel
- Sedgwick, Mary
- Birth, Waters, Ella J.
- Wightman, Mary Maria
- Birth, Merrill, Maria
- Birth, Goodwin, Arleen May
- Birth, Langworthy, Harriet Melissa
- Goodwin, Jane Croswell
- Birth, Gary, George Elmer
- Birth, Burnham, Samuel P.
- Goodwin, Nancy
- Birth, Goodwin, Henry
- Goodwin, John
- Death, Wheaton, Frank
- Death, Bolles, Henry D.
- Birth, Smith, Sarah
- Burritt, Webster
- Death, Burritt, Webster
- Langworthy, John Selim
- Birth, Burnham, Mary Sedgwick
- Death, Goodwin, Sabrina
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, James Percill and Grilley, Emily Eliza
- Birth, Goodwin, Mary Currier
- Goodwin, Ruth
- Death, Goodwin, Lucy
- Gilbert, Miriam
- Birth, Goodwin, Gilson Joel
- Heath, Flora Elizabeth
- Death, Goodwin, Kate Fisher
- Langworthy, Henry M.
- Marriage, Family of Goodwin, Pitts and Fyler, Jerusha
- Heath, Wilbur
- Marriage, Family of Russell, Edward Byron and Goodwin, Theodosia
- Birth, Goodwin, Charles Edward
- Andrews, Lydia
- Birth, Langworthy, Joseph C.
- Death, Goodwin, Miranda
- Birth, Westlake, Thomas
- Death, Goodwin, Thomas O'Hara
- Wheeler, Mary Arabella
- Birth, Goodwin, Ruth Croswell
- Death, Pratt, Lorana L.
- Death, Currier, Mary Ann
- Death, Cook, Thomas Goodwin
- Birth, Goodwin, Grove
- Birth, Goodwin, Ellen Frances
- Langworthy, James Riley
- Birth, Gray, Charlotte Melissa
- Birth, Fenn, Elizur
- Death, Goodwin, Grove
- Birth, Burnham, Wilbur Samuel
- Burritt, Anna Maria
- Farmer
- Birth, Wheaton, Lydia Maria
- Goodwin, Ansel
- Marriage, Family of Birge, John and Goodwin, Lucy
- Goodwin, Charles Edward
- Birth, Jeffers, Julius
- Markham, Elizabeth
- Birth, Goodwin, Kate Fisher
- Goodwin, Urania
- Markham, Sylvia
- Birth, Jeffers, George
- Birth, Fenn, Mary Polly
- Death, Goodwin, Urania
- Death, Brusie, John Pitt
- Westlake, Ruth Ann
- Birth, Goodwin, John
- Birth, Vansoyve, Malinda
- Birth, Goodwin, Albert Matthias
- Birth, Andrews, Lydia
- Wheaton, Frank
- Death, Brusie, John N.
- Farmer
- Langworthy, Edward
- Death, Goodwin, Gilson Joel
- Hanchett, Lydia Ann
- Goodwin, George Manning
- Goodwin, Jason Marshall
- Birth, Fenn, Emily
- Markham, Mary
- Wheaton, Edith Jane
- Death, Goodwin, Ruth
- Birth, Bolles, Henry D. Jr.
- Goodwin, Horatio
- Goodwin, Harvey
- Birth, Goodwin, Esther
- Westlake, Horace Goodwin
- Bolles, Miriam G.
- Death, Cook, Azel
- Birth, Goodwin, Alfred Urial
- Station agent NYC & St. Louis (Nickel Plate) Railroad
- Goodwin, Esther
- Goodwin, Frances Amelia
- Death, Goodwin, Jay Merrill
- Markham, Samuel
- Hall, Arthur Collins
- Gary, Alanson
- Birth, Goodwin, Lucy
- Hamlin, Goodwin Coit
- Farmer at Paris, Oneida, NY
- Birth, Cook, Azel