Hamlin, Giles Esq.

Birth Name Hamlin, Giles Esq.
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Death 1689-09-01    


    Family of Hamlin, Giles Esq. and Crow, Esther
Married Wife Crow, Esther ( * about 1628 + 1700-08-23 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1654-08-08    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hamlin, Richard
Hamlin, Esther1655-12-15
Hamlin, John1658-12-14
Hamlin, Mary1663-02-11
Hamlin, Mehitabel1664-11-171749
Hamlin, Giles1666-08-13
Hamlin, William1669-02-03


Of Middletown, CT. They had seven children.Giles HAMLIN : Middletown, CT 1650, m. 8 Aug. 1654, Esther, d.of John Crow of Hartford, had John, b. 14 Dec. 1658; Giles(R-6190), 13 Aug. 1666; William (R-6191) 3 Feb. 1669; andRichard (R-6192), whose date may be next to John; daughters:Mehitable, or Mable (R-542), b. 17 Nov. 1664, who m. SamuelHooker (R-541); Esther (R-6193), b. 15 Dec. 1655, m. WilliamSouthmayd (R-6194); and Mary (R-6196), 11 Feb. 1663, m. 20 Feb.1690, Rev. Noadiah Russell (R-6197). Was representative 1666,and nearly every year to 1684, assistant 1685 till he d. 1 Sept.1689, aged 67. He perhaps owned ship, and commanded in the Johnand James at Barbados, Aug. 1679. RE: Genealgocial RegisterVIII, p.206. Field, 49, gives the inscription on his monument.His widow d. 25 Aug. 1700, aged 72. To a family traditon that hewas brother of James Hamblen, and went with him to Barnstable,before settling at Middletown I see no reason for attaching anycredit. RE: Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlersof New England Showing Three Generations of Those Who Camebefore May, 1692. V.I, p.344. Genealogical Publishing Co. 1969.Copy of Book in Venice, Sarasota, and Dover, NH PL and abstractcopy in REM vertical file in Hamlin folder. *********************** Giles HAMLIN (R-4002): Born ca. 1622. Middletown (Conn.) 1654.d. Middletown 1 Sept. 1689. Sea Captain, RE: Genealogy ofCaptain Giles Hamlin 1900. RE: Colkert, Founders of American Families (Order of Founders &Patriots Hereditary Society Directory), p.142. 1985. Copy ofBook in Venice PL and abstract copy in REM vertical file inHamlin folder. *********************** Captain Giles HAMLIN (R-4002): We learn from the inscription onhis tombstone that he was b. in England about 1622; but theplace os his nativity has not been discovered. He m. 1655,Hester (R-4003), dau. of John Crow (r-4004, of Hartford, Ct., b.about 1628, probably in England. His epitaph tells us that hewas "near fifty years crossing the ocean wide," which means thathe ws a mariner for that period of time. One authority statesthat he arrived in America before 1651, and resided in Hartford,Ct., before settling in Middletown. Another author says, that hecame direct to Middletown. The wrtier has found no direct proofof the time of his arrival in America, or how he came here. Hesettled in Middletown, Ct. as early as 1654, and he residedthere the remainder of his life. Both members of the firstchurch established there, Sept. 4, 1668; to ;which he wasadmitted Nov. 15; and she Dec. 30. of the same year. He was aPuritan, a man of good sense, and soon gained a high standingfor probity and ability; and has been justly styled one of thepillars of the Colony in its early settlement. He was longengaged in foreign commerce, partly on his own account, partlywith John Pynchon, of Springfield, son of the founder of thattown; with his brother-in-law, John Crow, Jr. (R-5755) ofFairfield, and with Elder William Goodwin (R-5730), of Hartford,and afterwards of Farmington, Ct. He was long honored withpublic offices, and his descendants, as we shall see, retained aremrkable degree of influence in public affairs. even down tothe present time. His home lot, on the east side of Main Street,extended from about the north side of Bunce's store; nearly ifnot quite, to Court Street. He purchased a house and ten acrelot on the south west corner of Main and Washington Streets;which was the family homestead for four generations. Hecommanded The Desire, 1665; and The John and James, 1679. He wasRate Maker, Grand Levy-man, Townsman, and served the town onvarious committees. He gave a drum to the town and Train-band,1666. He is frequently mentioned in various corresondance ofthose times, fund in the records of the Massachusetts HistoricalSociety. (REM note: There is five more pages of Giles Hamlinnarrative of deeds, official records, etc........) then a threepage: Will of Giles Hamlin: August 30th. 1689. I Giles Hamlin,of Middletown, in the County of Hartford, and Colony ofConnecticut...... 1. To my son John Hamlin (R-6189)....... 2. Tomy son William Hamlin (R-6191)..... 3. To my sonns Giles(R-6190) and Richard (R-6192)...... 4. To my loving wife, EstherHamlin (R-4003)....... 5. To my daughter Mary ((R-6196)...... 6.To my daughter Mabel (Mehitable) (R-542) I give Fifty Pounds inMoney besides what she hath had, and one Silver Spoon, as alsoone Silver Porringer, and Goblet, between Mary & Mabel as theyshall agree, this I give to Her and her Heirs forever. To.....In witness whereof, I have set to my hand and seal this 30th.August 1689. s/s Giles Hamlin Mr. Hamlin did afterward declarein the presenc of the Witness it was his will that each of hisNegro Servants should have an Ewe Sheep. His Estate amounted to(English pounds) 3247-18-16. Both d. Middletown, and are buriedthere in the Riverside Cemetary. (REM note: Photo of grave withlong inscription on the top slab in the book). Children born inMiddletown: 1. Hester ((R-6193), b. Dec. 15, 1655. 2. John(R-6189), b. Dec. 14, 1658. 3. Mary (R-6196), b. Feb. 11, 1662.4. Mehitable (R-542), Nov. 17, 1664. 5. Giles (R-6190), b. Aug.13, 1666. 6. William (R-6191), b. Feb. 3, 1668. 7. Richard(R-6192), bap. July. 1670. RE: Andrews, Hon H. Franklin. The Hamlin Family a Genealogy ofCapt. Giles Hamlin of Middletown, Connecticut 1654-1900,p,14,15,20,21,22, and 24. Published by the Author. 1900. Copy ofBook in New Hampshire State Library and abstract copy in REMvertical files in Hamlin folder.


    1. Hamlin, Giles Esq.
      1. Crow, Esther
        1. Hamlin, Richard
        2. Hamlin, John
        3. Hamlin, Mehitabel
        4. Hamlin, Giles
        5. Hamlin, William
        6. Hamlin, Esther
        7. Hamlin, Mary