!BURIAL: Buried in Bluffview Cemetary in Vermillion,SD.!DEATH-OBITUARY ( probably local paper in Vermillion, SD ) "R.J. Drafahl Funeral Rites Held Tuesday" Funeral services wereheld here Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church for RussellJohn Drafahl, who passed away at his home here Saturday. Riteswere conducted by Rev. J. V. Leach and the Odd Fellows lodgeconducted services. The Masonic lodge conducted graveside rites.A long-time resident of Vermillion, Mr. Drafahl worked in storesaround Vermillion since 1909. He was born April 7, 1891 atCharter Oak, Ia., a son of Mr. and Mrs Frederick Drafahl. He wasmarried in Vermillion October 4, 1916 to Edna French. He was amember of the Incense Lodge No. 2 AF & AM and Commandery and theIOOF lodge. He is survived by his widow and six daughters. Theyare Elnora Drafahl of Albany, N. Y., Mrs. Ruby Campbell of RapidCity, Mrs. Betty Olawsky of Sioux City, Roberta Drafahl ofPipestone, Minn., Mrs. Beverly Papin of St. Louis, Mo., and Mr.Arlene Corey of Breckenridge, Minn. Pallbearers were JensJorgenson, Daryl Jorgenson, Lee Stevenson, M. H. Silsby, FrankHolmes and Thomas Rabusch. The funeral rites were conducted bythe Elmore-Wagner Funeral home.