1. Samuel6 Shackford (John5, John4, Paul3, John2, William1)(Source: The National Society of the Daughters of the AmericanRevolution Volume 23, p. 383, ROLL OF HONOR, p. 314.) was bornAbt. 1798 (Source: (1) Early Marriages of Strafford County1630-1860 by Robert Sayward Canney p 858;, (2) The NationalSociety of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol 114.),and died Jul 28, 1842 (Source: Early Marriages of StraffordCounty 1630-1860 by Robert Sayward Canney p 858;). He marriedSarah Cottle (Source: The National Society of the Daughters ofthe American Revolution Volume 23, p. 383, ROLL OF HONOR, p.314.) Abt. May 12, 1829 (Source: Early Marriages of StraffordCounty 1630-1860 by Robert Sayward Canney p 858;).Notes for Samuel Shackford: Late of Berwick, widow Sarah, adminto brother William M. Shackford of Portsmouth, merchant, 5 Sept1842, homestead farm of 60 acres. (York County Probate docket16905 per Karen Mairs Lange)