Hodsdon, Nicholas 1

Birth Name Hodsdon, Nicholas
Gender male
Age at Death 89 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1615 England  
Death 1704 Wells, York, ME  


    Family of Hodsdon, Nicholas and Wines, Esther
Married Wife Wines, Esther ( * 1618 + 1647-11-29 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1639-12-10 Hingham, Plymouth, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hodsdon, Estherbefore 1640-09-201723-03-11
Hodsdon, Mehitable1641-11-00between 1673 and 1681
Hodsdon, Jeremiahbefore 1643-09-061716
Hodsdon, Elizabeth1646-07-161663-09-00
Hodsdon, Israel1646-07-191696
Hodsdon, Benoni1647-12-051718-05-15
    Family of Hodsdon, Nicholas and Wincoll, Elizabeth
Married Wife Wincoll, Elizabeth ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1648/1649 Watertown, Middlesex, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hodsdon, John
Hodsdon, Sarah
Hodsdon, Hannah
Hodsdon, Joseph1691
Hodsdon, Timothy1719
Hodsdon, Lucy1725-12-25


Nicholas Hodsdon, of Hingham, Mass, 1635; and in 1636, the town of Hingham, granted him a house lot in the center of town, and later, two or more meadows were granted him in the same town; reference is made to these meadows, in a deed given by Samuel Ward of Charlestown, Mass., to Edward Wilder, Mar. 30, 1665. (Suffolk Deeds, Vol. 4, p. 282.)

Nicholas was made freeman Mar, 9, 1636-7, (in the record the name is given as Hudson), he remained in Hingham until about 1650, when in the company with John winchester, Thomas Hammond, John Parker, Vincent Druce and others, he purchased large tracts of land at Cambridge Hill, now Newton, Mass., near the line which divides Brookline and Newton.

"Nicholas Hodsdin at Mr. Hibbins farme in Boston in Suffold, hath souled to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Bruse (Druce) both of Hingham, in the same County, a parcell of land containing sixty seaven acres more or less, lying on Cambridge Hill adjoining to John Parker's to the North, Northwest and Northeast of the said John Parker's with thirteen acres more or less of meadow belonging thereunto, the which land was by the Towne of Cambridge given to Robert Bradish, Also sixteen acres in Boston bounds next to Cambridge Hill to the South of it, and to the East and North east of Mr. Hibbins' land, to have and to hold -----"
Dated, Feb. 4, 1650; recorded, Aug.20, 1651. Middlesex County deeds, Vol. I; p 24.

"Nicholas Hodsdon of Boston to John Parker of Cambridge --- a just rhid part of all the lands bought by him of Robert Bradish. Wife Elizabeth give her consent and yields up her right, Mar. 20, 1651."
Dated, Aug. 6, 16--; recorded, May 24, 1656.
Middesex County deeds.

We find no deed or land grant between the above date and Oct. 15, 1656, when he received a grant of land from the town of Kittery, Me., but seems to have been living there prior to that date as see grant below.

"Granted, lotted and layed out by the Selectmen for Kittery unto Nicholas Hodsdon, his heirs and assigns forever, a lot of land above his house, bounded on the South side by Miles Thompson's land as may appear by several marked trees which go upon the line south east and by east unto the woods one hundred and sixty poles unto a tree marked four wats, and from said tree to go upon the line north and south and by east unto a marked tree Standing by the brook of Birchen Poynt and to come down the said brook unto the water or river, which brook is the bounds of said lot."
Dated Oct. 15, 1656.
Kittery town records, p. 9.

Dec. 13, 1669, Nicholas received another grant of land from the town of Kittery, this lot being sixty poles in length, and adjoinging Birchen Point Brook. This lot was laid out Jan. 1672.

In 1673, Nocholas received still another grant of land from the town, which was for 100 acres of land. This grant however was not laid out during his lifetime, but was sold by his descendants at various times.

The following deposition of Nicholas and his wife is of interest, and shows that at the time they settled at Kittery, they resided at Quamphegon: "The deposition of Nicholasse Hodesden and his wife, aged 40 years and upwards. These deponents being sworne saith that fifteene or sixteene years agoe that Thomas Spenscer being at Quamphegon at the house wee lived in sayd, that he had given the one half part of the mill & timber thereunto belonging, being one quarter part of the mill unto Daniell Goodwin for his drafters portion. Nicholas Hodsden & his wife replied & said, neybouer Spenser I wich you well consider what you doe, for you cannot give every one such a Portion, and he answered & said, that she was the eldest dafter & hee don yt & fartehrsaith not." Dated, Apr. 18, 1670.

Nicholas purchased severl lots of land in the vicinity of Birchen Point Brook. Peter Wittum sold him "forty acres of upland and swamp, butting upon the land of said Nicholas, and running back to Rocky Hills."

John Wincoll sold Nicholas "one Tenement with about 30 acres of land, bounded by land of Miles Thompson on the South, the River on the West and Birchen Brook and Cove on the North and highwat that leadeth toward Sturgeon Creeke."
Dated June 16, 1674.

The farm which Nicholas occupied the latter part of his life is undoubtedly the one just mentioned as having been purchased of John Wincoll in 1674. It is situated upon the easterly side of the Piscataqua river, which divieds Kittery from Dover. It is loacted in the extreme southerly part of South Berwick, and is bounded on the North by Birchen Point Brook; on the south by the farm formerly owned by Miles Thompson. This last mentioned farm was bounded on the south by Thompson's Brook, which Brook divides the towns of Eliot and South Berwick.

The homesteam will be noticed later, was given by Nicholas to his son Benoni, from whom it descended in regular gradation to John and Henry Hodsdon; who sold it to Theo. F. and Thomas Jewett, May 17, 1828, (York deeds, Vol. 130, p. 82) at which time the estate passed out of the Hodsdon family. The Jewetts sold the entire farm to William Flynn by deed of Jan. 28, 1850, (Tork deeds, Vol. 210, p. 449.) and it still occupied by the widow and children of Mr. Flynn.

"Agreement between Nicholas Hodsdon of Kittery, husbandman, and Benoni Hodsdon, son of said Nicholas, have, hold, and use in Partnership with his father, all that farm that his father has for several years lived upon, with all lands, medows, Orchards, Marshes, garden and all the privileges thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining without any division of lands or houses, but in partnership and the same shall hold during the Natural life of said Nicholas.

It is agreed that all of the stock of any nature heretofore belonging to said Nicholas or Benoni are to be one half the said Nicholas and the other hal the said Benoni.

The said Benoni agrees to take the best care of the gfarm and pay all charges and any profit arigins from the product of the farm to be equally divided every year.

It is agreed after the death of Nicholas the goods and implements of the farm shal belong to Benoni."
Dated, Dec. 9, 1678.
York deeds, Vols. 4, p. 41.

"Nicholas Hodgsden of Kittery for £130 sells his son Benoni all that my mansion or dwelling house and all barnes and edifices All of which I heretofore purchased of John Wincoll, containing 40 acres. Also 56 acres of land long since Granted unto me by the town of Kittery; Bounded by the great River Pischataqua, or at leat a branch thereof on the West, and a fresh brook on ye North, which brooke devides between my lands and one Left. Playstead's land, late deceased. And on ye East with certan marked trees, and on the South with land of Miles Thompson. --- except about seven acres given John Morrell and his wife Sarah.

Benoni to Provide for Nicholas and his wife Elizabeth. Benoni to pay her £6 yearly during her natural lfe."
Dated, Oct. 22, 1678.
York deeds, Vol. 3, p. 31.

The seven acres given to John Morrell and his wife Sarah were deeded them by Nicholas and his wife Elizabeth, Dec. 3, 1674. The lot situated in the northeast corner of the homestead, and was bounded on th enorth by Birchen Point Brook. After being owned by various parties, the lot was purchased by Benoni Hodsdon in 1703, when the entire homestead was once more owned by one of the Hodsdon family, where is remained for the succeding 125 years.

Nicholas Hodsdon m. about 1639, Esther Wines, a cousin of Faintnot Wines of Carlestown, as proved by the following: Faintnot Wines, Flaxdresser, inhabiatant of Charlestown, Mass., 1635, with wife Bridget. He d. Feb. 25, 1664, will dated Sept. 1, 1663, proved June 20, 1665. Devised legacies to five of Nicholas Hogdon's children by his cousin Esther Wines. Wife Esther d. in Hingham, Mass., Nov. 29 1647, and he m. (2) between May 25, 1648, and Oct. 2, 1650, Elizabeth, widow of John Needham, as proved by the following, from Aspinwall Notarial Records:
"25.3.164, I did testifie unto a Lee of the Attorney made from Eliz. Needham to John Scarlet to receive all such goods as were due or belonging to her husband in Virginia. She being credibly informaed of his death." p. 128
"2.8.1650, Nicholas Hodsdon and Eliz. his wife (formerly wife of John Needham) did make ordeine &e: Peter Brackett of Braintre, in N.E., their true & lawful Attorney to ask &e: of Capt. Varvell or any other in whose hands maybe certaine goods f her former husband John Needham, shipped aboard the shipp of the said Capt. Varvell to carry to Virginia, & of th receipt to give acquittance &e: also to compound &e: & to appear in any Court or Courts &e: & generally to doe all things &e : with power to substitute &e:" p. 324.

The place and date of death of Nicholas and Elizabeth is unknown. They were probably buried in the graveyard which was laid out on a portion of the homestead, to which reference is made in the deed given May 17, 1828. "Reserving and excepting from this conveyance one eighth of an acre on the homestead first above mentioned, which has been heretofore used as a place of burial by our ancestors."



    1. Hodsdon, Nicholas
      1. Wines, Esther
        1. Hodsdon, Esther
        2. Hodsdon, Mehitable
        3. Hodsdon, Jeremiah
        4. Hodsdon, Elizabeth
        5. Hodsdon, Israel
        6. Hodsdon, Benoni
      2. Wincoll, Elizabeth
        1. Hodsdon, John
        2. Hodsdon, Lucy
        3. Hodsdon, Timothy
        4. Hodsdon, Joseph
        5. Hodsdon, Hannah
        6. Hodsdon, Sarah

Source References

  1. Hodgdon, Andrew Jackson: Genealogy of the Descendants of Nicholas Hodsdon-Hodgdon of Hingham, Mass, and Kittery, Maine