Nathan Fiske was in Watertown as early as 1642 when his firstchild was born. He was admitted freeman on May 10, 1643 and heldseveral town offices. He was chosen surveyor of highways on Jan.9, 165960; constable for 1662; and Selectman in 1673. Nathan,John Whitney, and Isaac Mixer, three of the selectmen were to"goo about the town to see that children wear taught to Read theinglish tunge and to be cattycysed". In the third inventory ofestates taken in Watertown about 1644 Nathan Fiske was theproprietor of a lot of nine acres of upland bounded east byEdward Howe, west by Robert Harrington, north by Richard Gale,and south with the highway. His sister, Martha Underwood wife ofMartin Underwood, testified that he "was very crazy in hismemory" before he died. After the death of her husband in 1672,Martha lived with her brother Nathan.Nathan's will was dated June 19, 1676 and mentions sons Nathan,John, David, and Nathaniel Fiske, and daughter Sarah Gale. Itwas witnessed by Joseph Taynter and William Bond. "A trueInventory of the goods, housing, & Cattell of Nathan ffiske, whodeced. the 21. of June 1676" was taken by Jonathan Warren,Thomas Flagg, and Samuel Stearns on July 10, 1676.For an account of the ancestors of Nathan Fiske, refer to theoverseas ancestor section. The work from which Nathan'sforebears were taken seems to be well researched and, therefore,likely accurate. However, it makes me a little suspicious inNathan's case, where he is shown first starting a family at theage of fifty. Nathan Fiske and his wife may have come to NewEngland in 1637 with the Fiske-Allen company, which included theJohn Fiske family of six, Rev. John Allen family of three, theTuttle family of six, Edmund Thompson and wife, the GeorgeBarrell family of five, the John Fiske family of three, MartinUnderwood and wife, the Henry Chickering family of four, theFrancis Chickering family of four, the David Fiske family ofthree, Nathan Fiske and wife, the William Fiske family of six,the Phineas Fiske family of five, and the Benjamin Cooper familyof eleven. This company was made up of families from thenortheast Suffolk and south Norfolk area.