Spofford, John

Birth Name Spofford, John
Gender male
Age at Death about 67 years, 10 months, 5 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth about 1611 Selby, Yorkshire, England  
Death 1678-11-06 Bradford, Essex, MA  


    Family of Spofford, John and Scott, Elizabeth
Married Wife Scott, Elizabeth ( * before 1623-11-18 + 1691-02-10 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage about 1645 Rowley, Essex, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Spofford, John1648-12-241696-04-27
Spofford, Samuel1652/3-01-31 (Julian)1743-01-01


THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN SPOFARD, SENIORI comit my soule into the hands of god who gave it, and my bodyto the earth, to be decently buried, and as to that estate whichthe lord hath given, dispose of it as follows after my debts arepayd.Imprimis: - As for my dear and loving wife, I give to her thelease of thehouse and lands of Mrs. Prudence Cotton. Also I give to her allthe household stuff, to be at her disposal, except the arms andammunition. Also I give to her two cows, and one calfe, alsofour sheep. I give to her and my son Francis, to be equally divided between, one younghorse, also to have the use of four acres of land at the farmduring her life. Furthermore, I will that my son Francis hisportion be at my wife's disposal till he comes to the age oftwenty-one years if she live so long, for that end that he maybe helpful to her to carry on her husbandry work.Item: That which I give to my son Francis, is the two youngoxen, and themare and the cart, and all the furniture belonging to husbandry.Also one yearling calf, these to be at my wife's disposal tillhe be of age above said, and these things, or the worth of them,to be faithfully payed to him. Also I give him the small gun ,and four acres of land at great meadows, and what may so fall byvirtue of any town grant.Item: I give to my son John, two stears coming three years old,and the longfowling piece, and one halfe of the lease of the farm togetherwith twenty pounds stocke I formerly gave him.Item: I give to my son Thomas, my vilage lands, and the grayhorse and twosheepe, and one spring hog, and one two year old heifer and thegreat musket.Item: I give to my son Samuel, the other halfe of the lease ofthe farm andtwo young steers, one that come three year old and one that comefour year old and one spring hog, and about ten pound stock Ihave already given him.Item: I give to my daughter Elizabeth one two year old heiferand two sheep.Item: I give to Hannah one cow, one three year old heifer, andtwo sheep.Item: I give to my daughter Mary one cow and one calf and twosheep.Item: I give to my daughter Sarah, one cow and one calf and twosheep.Item: I also appoint my louing wife and my son Thomas to bejoint executors of this my last will, and my children to be paydat marriage or at coming one and twenty years old, and if anydie before, their portion to be divided among the rest.In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal 8th 8th month, (Oct. 7TH) 1678.JOHNSPOFARD.Signed, sealed and deliveredin presence of us,John Johnson,Philip Nelson.In court held at Ipswich, 6th. 9th. Month, 1678, this willproved to be thelast will and testament of John Spaford, by the oaths of PhilipNelson and John Johnson.


    1. Spofford, John
      1. Scott, Elizabeth
        1. Spofford, John
        2. Spofford, Samuel

Source References

  1. Data from Gary Green, 46 Franklin St., Westfield, NY