Stephen began his long career of contrariety as early as 1593,when he was cited in Star Chamber for having "uttered in asermon at Newbury very lewd speeches tending seditiously to thederogation of her Majesty's government" Upon the accession ofJames I as King of England, nearly a hundred ministers weredeprived of their benefices between the year 1604-1609 andamongst these was Stephen Bachiler...Shortly after his arrival in New England in 1632, he settled atSaugus (later to be called Lynn) where he immediately began to organize achurch. Over the next four years Bachilder and a portion of hiscongregation were repeatedly at odds with the rest of thecongregation and with the colony authorities and by early 1636Bachilder had ceased to minister at Lynn."Winter 1637-38, "plantation now in hand at Mattakeese(Yarmouth), six miles beyond Sandwich. The undertaker of thiswas one Mr. Batchellor, late paster of Sagus (since calledLynn), being about seventy-six years of age; yet he walkedthither on foot in a very hard season. He had his company beingall poor men, finding the difficulty, gave it over, and othersundertook it."1638 he was in Newbury, and organized a church and laterorganized a church in Hampton. "Mr. Bachilor had been in threeplaces before, and through his means, as was supposed, thechurches fell to such divisions, as no peace could be till hewas removed"In 1641 Winthrop reported that Bachiler "being about 80 years ofage, and having a lusty comely women to his wife, did solicit the chasityof his neighbor's wife. Exeter invited him to be a preacher, but theabove event prevented it.He soon moved to Strawberry Bank (Portsmouth, NH) where heremained until his return to England.On Oct 15, 1650 at court at York "George Rodgers and MrsBatcheller were presented upon vehement suspicion of incontinency for living inone house together and lying in one room. George Rogers was to haveforty strokes and Mrs.Bachiler for her adultery shall receive 40strokes save one at the first town meeting held at Kittery sixweeks after the delivery and be branded with the letter "A".This child born in late 1651 or 52 was apparently the MaryBachilder who latter married William Richards.Stephen Bachilder returned to England after these events.