Margaret had a breakdown after William died. In the Churchrecords of the time, Reverand S. Danforth noted that "MargaretCheany widow having been long bound by Satan under amelancholick distemper, (above 10 or 11 yeares) which made herwholly neglect her Calling & live mopishly, this day (24 Mar1673) gave thanks to God for loosing her chain & confessing &bewailing her sinful yielding to temptation" Despite William's careful provision for Margaret in his will,her widowhood was not without financial problems. She petionedthe court regarding her son Thomas' treatment of her, to whichit responded: "In answer to the petition of Margaret Cheeny,widdow: The Court Orders that Thomas Cheeny her Son pay unto hissd Mother Five pounds in mony every quarter of the yeare,yearely for the improvement of the Estate left by his Father &give her good assurance of her living peaceably with him,otherwise that hee leave the house; the Estate being judged tobee worth twenty five pound in mony per annum.Margaret married Mr Burge (or Burges or Burdge) and moved toBoston. She made a will on 9/23/1686, and died sometime laterthat year.