??Thought this might be of interest to you. This is what theGenealogical dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire says about Richard Sr.Otis' son Richard Jr. being born from Richard Sr.'s first marriage to RoseStoughton. Richard Jr. Otis, Quaker, a blacksmith, wounded in indian attackof 1696. His only known wife was Susannah Hussey who was atleast 17 yrs his junior, so there is a distinct possibilitythat he had an earlier wife whose name nowhere appears. His wifeadministered his insolvent est. Jan 1 , 1701. and in 1704 wasappointed guardian of 5 children all under 14 yrs of age.(whichmeans if Richard Jr. had a previous wife, it would have beenbefore 1690. It could be that Susannah Conley fits in withRichard Jr. Oits) Bob St. Gelais.