Albee, Benjamin

Birth Name Albee, Benjamin
Gender male


    Family of Albee, Benjamin and , Hannah
Unknown Partner , Hannah ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Albee, James1641


Benjamin Albee was in Boston, MA 1640 and lived in Braintree, MAfrom 1641 until about 1650, when he removed to Medfield, MAalthough he did not dispose of all his land in Braintree until1657. According to Ballou's HISTORY OF MILFORD, MASSACHUSETTS,Benjamin Albee agreed in 1644 with the superintending committeeof Quinshipaug Plantation to erect and maintain for theplantation a mill on Mill River in the new town of Mendon, MA,the first waterpower mill for grinding grain in all that region,and they granted him a bounty of fifty acres of land. TheHISTORY OF MILFORD says, "He was a very enterprising man, apublic land surveyor, and much employed in the laying out ofways, lots and common lands in early times. He was made one ofMendon's first selectmen in 1667, and held other responsibleoffices. When King Philip's War broke out in 1675, he fledeastward with the Mendon fugitives, and all their buildings wereburned by the Indians." He is believed not to have returnedfarther than Medfield, where he probably died. All his Mendonproperty passed into the hands of his son James. His wife'sname was Hannah, and he had at least seven children, the birthsof four of whom are recorded:1 Hannah b. Braintree, August 16, 1641; d. Medfield, April 24,1723; m. Medfield, March 25, 1663, Samuel Wight b. Dedham, MA,February 5, 1639; d. Medfield, December 21, 1716; son of Thomasand Alice Wight.2 Lydia b. Braintree April 14, 1642; m. Medfield, October 30,1658, Alexander Lovell.3 Prudence m. Medfield, May 16, 1666, Thomas Barnes of Swansea,Ma.; d. June 8, 1706.4 James. 5 John d. Mendon, July 14, 1675; m. Medfield, October 18, 1671,Jane Holbrooke. Letters of administration were granted to hiswidow in Suffolk Co., MA, the 10th day of the 9th month 1675 forherself and two children. No further record of his family hasbeen found, and the HISTORY OF MILFORD gives no authority forlisting John as a son of Benjamin. Since he was married in thesame town and on the same day as James, it is likely that theywere brothers.6 Sarah b. Medfield, March 11, 1653. No further record.7 Benjamin b. Medfield, 1653. No further record.


    1. Albee, Benjamin
      1. , Hannah
        1. Albee, James