John CARY was born near Bristol, Somersetshire, England, about1610; came to America about 1634, joined the Plymouth Colony,and made his home at Duxbury, where he had a farm. In 1644 hemarried Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth GODFREY(who was a carpenter and bridge builder, and in August, 1643, wefind his name on the muster roll of the Duxbury Companycommanded by Capt. Myles STANDISH; he removed to Bridgewaterwhere he died in 1669; it is thought that the name GODFREY comesfrom the Duke of Bouillon, the Crusader).Concerning John CARY, Moses CARY has this: "Mr. Cary was one ofthe Proprietors (of Bridgewater), and one of the first settlers,and was very useful among them. The town was incorporated in1656. Mr. CARY was the first Town Clerk and continued in thatoffice a great number of years.At first they settled near together and around where the TownHouse now stands in West Bridgewater. Mr. CARY's lot was about a1/4 of a mile east of the Town House and on the farm where Dr.REED lived; and there he spent the remainder of his days, andbrought up a great family of children. He had six sons and sixdaughters. They all lived to grow up and have families and alltook to good courses so that it was the saying of some "thatthere were 12 of 'em and never a Judas among them.' "Judge MITCHELL, in his description of Bridgewater, speaking ofthe first settlers, says; "Mr. CARY was among the mostrespectable of them, and his family one of the most influentialin the town"Elizabeth GODFREY CARY died in 1680 and John CARY died in 1681.from JOHN CARY the Plymouth Pilgrim by Seth C. Cary, Boston, MA1911The Children of John CARY and Elizabeth GODFREY were. 1. John b.Duxbury, Nov. 4, 1645 2. Francis b.Duxbury, Jan 19,1647/48 3. Elizabeth b.Duxbury, Dec. 20, 1649 4. James b.Braintree.Mar. 28, 1652 5. Mary b.Duxbury, July 8, 1654 6. Jonathan b.Bridgewater,Sept 24, 1656 7. David b.Bridgewater, Jan. 27, 1658/59 8. Hannahb.Bridgewater, April 30, 1661 9. Joseph b.Bridgewater, April 18, 1663 10. Rebeccab.Bridgewater, March 30, 1665 11. Sarah b.Bridgewater, Aug. 2,1677 12. Mehitabel b.Bridgewater, Dec 24, 1670--------------------------------------------------------------------------------