, Mary

Birth Name Mary
Gender female


    Family of Hunting, Benjamin Johnson and , Mary
Unknown Partner Hunting, Benjamin Johnson ( * 1848 + 1886 )


Will written Feb 22, 1886 Codicil written March 7, 1886, Willproved March 22,1886City of Lockport, County of Niagara, New YorkLast Will and Testament of Mary Hunting, Deceased Be it Remembered, that heretofore, to-wit: On the 12th day ofMarch in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred andeighty-six, Moses S Hunting and John E Pound the executors namedin the last Will and Testament of Mary Hunting late of the Cityof Lockport in the County of Niagara deceased...............onthe 22nd day of March A.D. 1886 satisfactory evidence wasproduced and presented to said Surrogate....and onthat day saidpetitioner appeared and it appearing that -- Richard C Hunting,Edith Hunting and Josephine Hunting are minors Edward J Tayloron his consenting thereto was appointed the Special Guardian for said minors to appear forthem and take care of their interests in this matter.........WILLI, Mary Hunting of the City of Lockport Niagara County New Yorkwidow of Ben J Hunting deceased do make publish and declare thismy last will and testament in manner following vizFirst I hereby authorize and direct my executors hereinafternamed to use and expend any money that may come into their handsbelonging to me in clearing the house and lot Number 251 EastGenesee Street in the City of Lockport from the Judement ordecree or forclosure of mortgage in favor of Mary C Wortes?which is now owned by Stanley E Filseius? of Medina and alsofrom all taxes assessed against said house and lot and which area lieu thereon it being my desire and intent to save said houseand lot for the benefit of my children.Second, I hereby authorize and direct my said executors to causeto be erected on the lots owned by me in Montrose, Cook County,Illinois two dwelling houses at an expense not exceeding twothousand dollars to be paid for as in the first Item herein. Third: I earnestly desire that my three children should bebrought up & educated under Cahtolic influence & educated asfaras practicable in Catholic schools. I desire that my sonRichard C should receive a good Catholic Education fitting himas far as practicable for such calling in life as he may showhimself fitted for & as the means at the command of my saidExecutor will allow & I am especially anxious that my daughteredith shall be well and thourghy educated. Her father wastenderly attached to her & it was his last expressed desirebefore his death so that she might be fitted for Teaching orother desireable calling or position in life. I desire thatRichard & Edith go to the Convent here for some years & then ifpracticable to a better & higher grade of Catholic school. Icommit my little darling baby girl Josephine to the fatherly &motherly care of Fred & Kittie Hunting whom I greatly respect &tenderly love enjoining especially on them to see that thelittle darling is educated & brought up a Catholic as theirmother if living would herself desire to bring her up. Fourth: Whatever money may come into the hands of my saidexecutors belinging to me not herein before appropriated Idirect my said Executors to invest in good securities hopingthat the principal of what money I may have may be saved forsaid children until they are twenty one years of age or ashereinafter married. Fifth: I hereby give devise & bequeath to my three children allmy estate & property both real & personal to be divided betweenthem equally share and share alike unless sickness or otherexigency in the opinion of my executors should clearly make itbest & proper to expend more for the benefit of some or(other?) of said children than for the rest. Should any of saidchildren die before twenty one years of age without lawful issuethen the share going to said deceased shall go to the survivors.Whatever sums may be going to said children under this willshall be paid to each on arriving at the age of twenty one yearsor sooner on marriage. Should either marry before twenty oneyears of age. Sixth: I hereby authorize & empower my said executors to leaseor sell & convey any or all my real estate & wherever located &give good & sufficient deeds for the same with or withoutwarranty& for such prices & on such terms of payment as they maythink proper & investthe proceeds in good real estatesecurities.Seventh: I hereby make constitute & appoint Moses S. Hunting andJohn E Pound executors of this my last will & testament relyingon them to protect care for & watch over my three orphanchildren hereby revoking all former wills by me made In witnesswhereof I have hereto set my hand & seal this 22d day of FebA.D. 1886Mary HuntingThe above instrument was at the date thereof signed sealedpublished & declared by the said testratrix Mary Hunting to beher last will & testament in the presence of us & each of us whoat her request & in her presence & in the presence of each otherhave subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.Celia Cahill residing at Lockport NYBridget Flynn residing at Lockport NY X (her mark)Sunday Morning March 7thI Mary Hunting do desire this thing changed in this my last willI wish Josephine my youngest to go to the Convent with Edith tostay as long as Edith does till they are both educated &afterwards if they like Fred Hunting & Kittie may take her.Signed by me this morning sunday March 7Mary Hunting WitnessBridget FlynnCelia Cahill


    1. , Mary
      1. Hunting, Benjamin Johnson