
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dayley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Abran 1879-06-10 1881-10-10
Barbara Ellen 1862-03-31 1936-07-15
Dorcas Helen 1862-03-31 1898-01-18
Elisha Bronson 1858-09-06 1942-01-30
Eliza E. 1874-12-29 1881-10-14
Elizabeth 1835-04-14 1835-10-27
Elsie Louisa 1881-06-17 1965-11-07
Enoch Rhodes 1837-09-19 1892-11-13
George 1844-01-03 1844-11-10
Heber Chase 1843 1920-03-01
Isaac Morley 1840-01-08 1852-07-00
Isabelle Rebecca 1853-10-14 1907-10-01
Jacob 1852-04-11 1919-11-03
James 1811-03-26 1905-07-23
James Carlos 1850-01-19 1927-12-26
James Nephi 1872-01-27 1955-02-11
Joseph Hyrum 1869-09-08 1934-10-22
Lucy Jane 1883-05-04 1952-06-13
Mary Ann 1875-09-08 1955-04-08
Nancy Elizabeth 1864-03-10 1866-10-00
Nancy Vilate 1856-07-17 1858-07-00
Sarah Ann 1841-10-26 1845-03-24
Sylvia 1877-04-17 1949-04-10
Thomes John 1849-08-14 1918-05-19
William Francis 1867-10-26 1868-12-24
Zachariah Hardy 1866-01-14 1868-12-13