
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bollman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Bird Rivers 1884-09-21 1958-05-09
Carrie Evaline 1877-09-10 1950-03-04
Cordia Maude 1882-09-22 1943-01-26
George Washington 1847-04-27 1917-11-18
George Washington 1891-02-14  
George Washington 1926-02-00 1928-04-09
Milton Hugh 1914-09-06 1970-01-06
Ora 1887-08-15 1888-02-20
Orlando 1887-08-15 1888-02-16
Rutherford B Hayes 1876-08-17 1927-05-28