
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Pew. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Arthur Lionell 1870-12-27 1954-01-02
Caroline Fidelia 1854-04-10 1947-01-12
Charles Orrin 1860-08-11 1937-09-19
Daniel Plummer 1866-06-08 1953-02-07
Elizabeth Sophia 1862-09-18 1913-05-16
Hyram William    
James Hyram 1858-06-21 1928-12-24
Marian Drucilla 1856-04-06 1933-09-09
Walter Harvey 1868-08-14 1942-05-14
William 1852 1852