
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Closson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Alvin Safford 1796-12-25 1836-11-25
Anna 1804-05-19 1877-03-19
Betsey 1794-07-29 1833-05-30
Cynthia 1802-04-02 1877-07-03
George 1788-02-17 1810-02-00
Henry 1799-02-01 1880-04-24
Ichabod 1764-05-00 1807-05-09
Ichabod 1807-05-09  
Orrin 1792-10-09 1857
Rebecca 1791-05-15 1873-04-02
Sally 1806-05-21 1808-04-12