
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Burgess. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Benjamin Ernest 1867-07-20 1950-09-04
Bessie Lavina 1893-01-27 1970-07-05
Beverly 1921-12-09 1985-04-11
Florence Viola 1906-10-25 1934-10-10
Homer E. 1894-03-04 1981-06-20
Kenneth 1927-04-19 1951-05-12
Lucian 1897-04-12 1987-04-21
Lucille 1900-06-18 1990-11-14
Max 1899-03-21 1958-09-17
Naomi Ruth 1901-12-23 1987-04-18
Orrie Blanche 1885-11-18 1946-06-09
Robert 1921-04-09 1979-05-22
Verna 1919-01-06 1919-03-23