
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Quarterman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Edward Myers 1873-11-06 1933-01-13
Ellen Amanda 1876-09-24 1896
Francis Bailey 1882-07-30 1947-06-11
Grover Cleveland 1884-07-26 1908-11-24
Harriett Ann 1841 1898
Harry Seymore 1878-03-01 1938-01-11
Henry Brockington 1850-03-28 1908-06-00
Joseph Nahum 1875-03-19 1930-04-03
Lemuel Summeral 1880-01-12 1947-06-11
Mary Jane 1845
Vossey Alexander 1888-01-07 1946-02-16