, Lydia

Birth Name Lydia
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Death 1654 Hartford, Hartford, CT  


    Family of Gilbert, Thomas and , Lydia
Unknown Partner Gilbert, Thomas ( * about 1582 + 1659-09-05 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Gilbert, Thomasabout 16241662-06-05


Probably hanged at public gallows, corner of Vine Street andAlbany Avenueon 28 Nov 1654. Found guilty of witchcraft in Windsor, CT. Allof this is well documented, except that no record can be foundof the actual hanging. A book by a man named TOMLINSON, who isalso a descendant documents this as well as other Connecticutwitchcraft trials.


    1. , Lydia
      1. Gilbert, Thomas
        1. Gilbert, Thomas